To make demand, supply projections and price forecasting for major agricultural commodities
Survey design and instrument standardization
Data collection for crops, livestock, dairy, poultry, and fisheries from different sources, including satellite imageries for crop area
Demand and supply predictions and price forecast in the long run under different possible scenario will be done based on available literature and reports
Study of existing pricing mechanism used by different sectors
Developing commodity profiles
Developing various products/reports
Dissemination of market intelligence
To assess the price behavior, futures market and export competitiveness for major fresh and value added agricultural and livestock commodities
Collection of data from different sources
Consultation with industry experts
Analysis and identification of potential market
Analysis of competitiveness and trade policies
Conducting study to know how trade is affecting both producer and consumer prices
Few micro studies will also be conducted
Documentation of SPS protocols of different countries
Developing various products/reports
Timely dissemination of market intelligence through various sources including customized Apps
Continuous evaluation of selected e-NAM linked APMCs and impact assessment of marketing institutions
Base line study will be conducted
Continuous data collection and monitoring
Focus group discussion on learning from public sector initiatives
Analysis on issues and constraints in establishing, up scaling and replicating the producer company model
Facilitation of effective implementation of e-NAM linked APMCs
Conducting a study of select e-NAM linked APMCs model to understand how the model can be implemented effectively
Case studies to document the best management practices
Dissemination of market intelligence
Capacity building and human resource development in the area of Agriculture Market Intelligence
Engaging PG students of Agriculture and Allied disciplines through their market oriented research work,visits and students exchange at national and international organizations
Creation of well-equipped modern research facilities like satellite data handling, processing, its analysis and machine learning
Designing and organizing Capacity building programme on market intelligence
Participation of faculties in national and international training programmes
Collaboration with national and international centres in education and research
Involving expert faculties/scientists/resource person from around the world for teaching and research
Organizing lecture series on themes related to marketing intelligence
Collaboration with agribusiness and technology companies
Designing and starting short duration certificate and online courses in the areas of agriculture marketing intelligence
Revising and updating of the PG courses
Enhancing visibility of Anand Agriculture University through various means including participation in industry academia meets/events, dissemination of information using modern tools and techniques, organizing programmes with involvement of different stakeholders, international placement and global presence of alumni
Involvement of major organizations across the state of Gujarat in dissemination, feedback system of information and capacity building programmes