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Main Forage Research Station, Anand


  1. International Journal
  1. Rathod P. K., Gohil D. P., Karmata Riddhi S. and Dudhatra K. N. (2024). Appraisal of genetic parameters and character association for fodder yield and its related characteristics in fodder cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 9(1): 121-126.
  2. Lakshman, Raval C.H., Patel H.K., Yadav S., Birla D., Choudhary P. and Choudhary M. (2023). Integrated nutrient management on semi rabi green gram. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 35(18):1511-1519.
  3. Chauhan Z.Y., Shah S.N. and Patel H.K. (2023). Combine effects of inorganic and organic nutrient sources on maize–sesame cropping sequence of middle Gujarat. Agronomy Journal, 115(5):2646-2654.
  4. Badi A.R., Patel H.K., Patel K.C., Patel P.M., Raval C.H. and Chavda C.P. (2023). Micronutrients enriched organic manure and biofertilizer as influenced on multi-cut fodder oat [Avena sativa (L.)]. Emergent life Science Research, 9(1):120-130.
  5. Patel H.K. Rathod P.H and Gohil D.P. (2023). Performance of marvel grass varieties under different levels of nitrogen in irrigated condition of the middle Gujarat agroclimatic zone of Gujarat. Agriculture Association of Textile Chemical and Critical Reviews Journal,11(4): 72-75.
  6. Patel H.K, Patel H.K., Rathod P.H., Raval C.H. and Dudhat D.H. (2023). Effect of seed priming on fodder yield of Maize. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 35(25):41-48.
  7. Borkhatariya T. H., Gohil D. P., Parmar D. J., Sondarava P. M. and Akbari K. M. (2023). Genetic divergence and principal component analysis for fodder and biochemical traits in fodder maize (Zea mays L.). The Pharma Innovation Journal, 12(12): 3008-3015.
  8. Litoriya, N. S., Vaghela, K. M., Patel, M. R., Parmar, K. D., Chauhan, N. R., Kalasariya, R. L., Chawla, S., and Shah, P. G. (2023). Method validation, dissipation and residue status of fluopicolide and fosetyl-aluminium in citrus using a rapid extraction method coupled with ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Biomedical Chromatography, e5703. https://doi. org/10.1002/bmc.5703
  9. Chawla, S., Parmar, K. D., Litoriya, N. S., Kalasariya, R. L., Gor, H. N., Patel, H. K., Upadhyay, P. P., Shah, P. G., Prabhu, S. T. and Ramegowda, G. K. (2023). Dissipation, risk assessment of afidopyropen residues in/on brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) and cotton (Gossypium spp.). Pesticide Research Journal, 35(2), 142-148. doi:10.5958/2249-524X.2023.00023.7
  10. Barad, B. D., Parmar, K. D., Thorat, S. S., Litoriya, N. S. and Chawla, S. (2023). Method validation, household cooking effect on pesticide residues, and evaluation of processing factors in rice. Journal of Stored Products Research, 104, 102191.
  11. Parmar, K. D., Litoriya, N. S., Patel, J. H., Shah, P. G., Chawla, S., and Kalasariya, R. L. (2023). Dissipation kinetics of fluopyram and trifloxystrobin following application of combination product in/on chilli and its consumer risk assessment. Pesticide Research Journal, 35(1), 8-16.
  12. Litoriya, N. S., Chauhan, N. R., Kalasariya, R. L., Parmar, K. D., Chawla, S., Parmar, A. V., Raj, P. V. and Shah, P. G. (2023). Dissipation kinetics of co‑formulation with two herbicides, clodinafop‑propargyl and oxyfluorfen, in/on onion (Allium cepa) samples. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(17):50225-50233.
  13. Litoriya, N. S., Patel, J. H., Thakor, P. M., Chauhan, N. R., Chawla, S., and Shah, P. G. (2023). Behavior of trifloxystrobin and propineb as combi-product in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and their risk assessment for human health. Biomedical Chromatography, e5660. doi: 10.1002/bmc.5660.
  14. Patel P B., Shah S. N., Patel H. K. and Patel T. D. (2022). Effect of Integrated Nitrogen Management Treatments on Growth Yield and Economics of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science,34(21): 202-210.
  15. Solanki S.K., Patel H. K., Raval C. H. and Patel H. K. (2022). Response of Integrated Nutrient Management on Irrigated Wheat. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 34(22): 55-60.
  16. Nagar Kuldeep, Patel H. K., Raval C. H., Badi A. R., Lakshman and N. Chaudhary (2022). Response of FYM and split application of Nitrogen on growth and yield of fodder maize (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 34(23): 245-253.
  17. Shiyal V., Patel V. M., Patel, H. K., Rathwa M. and Patel P. M. (2022). Biochar: an emerging soil amendment for sustaining soil health and black gold for indian agriculture. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 44(12): 6-12.
  18. Borkhatariya T. H., Gohil D. P., Sondarava P. M., Patel Rumit and Akbari K. M. (2022). Character Association and Path coefficient Analysis among Diverse Genotypes of Forage Maize (Zea mays L.).  An International Journal - Biological Forum, 14(3): 829-833.
  19. Parmar Sumitkumar V., Gohil D. P., Suvatar V. K. and Borkhatariya T. H. (2022).  Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Analysis in Forage Bajra [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. An International Journal - Biological Forum, 14(4): 248-252.
  20. Tripathy, V., Sharma, K. K., Mohapatra, S., Siddamallaiah, L., Nagapooja Y. M., Patil, C. S., Saindane, Y. S., Deore, B., Rao, C. S., Parmar, K. D., Litoriya, N. S., Shah P. G. and Sharma K. (2022). Persistence evaluation of fluopyram + tebuconazole residues on mango and pomegranate and their risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 33180–33190.
  21. Kalasariya, R. L., Chauhan, N. R., Parmar, K. D., Litoriya, N. S., Chawla, S., Raj, P. V., Solanki, P. P. and, Shah, P. G. (2022). Dissipation and risk assessment of Solomon (300 OD), a combination product of beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid in lemon and onion samples. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/03067319. 2022.2060746.
  22. Shah, P. G., Parmar, K. D., Litoriya, N. S., Kalasariya, R. L., Vaghela, K. M., Patel, J. H. and Chawla, S. (2022). Analytical method development, validation and study on behavior of ipfencarbazone in paddy (rice). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(7): 18810-18819.
  23. Joshi, M. N., Chawla, S., Parmar, K. D., Litoriya, N. S., Kalasariya, R. L., Chauhan, N. R., and Shah, P. G. (2022). Dissipation and dietary risk assessment of imidacloprid and spiromesifen in brassica and fruiting vegetables following good agricultural practices. Pesticide Research Journal, 34(2): 134-144.
  24. Kalasariya, R. L., Litoriya, N. S., Chawla, S., Parmar, K. D., Patel, H. K., Patel, G. K., Shah, P. G., Singh, K. P., Yadav, R. K. and Trivedi, A. (2022). Dissipation of carbendazim and mancozeb following application of combination product on soybean and cotton. Pesticide Research Journal, 34(2): 168-178.
  25. Rathod P. H., Shah P. G., Parmar K. D. and Kalasariya R. L. (2022). The fate of fluopyram in the soil-water-plant ecosystem: a review. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 260 (1): 1-19.
  26. Farooq, T. H., Kumar, U., Yan, Y. Arif, M. S., Sakoor, A., Tayyab M., Rathod, P. H., Altaf, M. M. and Wu, P. (2022). Receptiveness of soil bacterial diversity in relation to soil nutrient transformation and canopy growth in Chinese fir monoculture influenced by varying stand density. Trees-Structure and Function.
  27. Patel H. K., Rathod P. H., Gohil D. P., Padheriya D. and Raiyani A. M. (2021). Response of nitrogen levels on growth, yield and quality of single cut oat cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 13 (4): 10748-10750.
  28. Vikram Shiyal, Patel H. K., Rathod P. H., Patel P. M., Raval C. H. and Patel A. P. (2021). Integrated nutrient management on fodder dual purpose oat (Avena sativa L.). Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 33 (16): 80-86.
  29. Patel H. K., Rathod P. H. and Padheriya D. R. (2021). Effect of nitrogen levels on forage yield and quality of multi cuts oat cultivars. Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 33(21): 9-13.
  30. Sidapara Mayank P., Gohil D. P., Patel Oarthik U. and Sharma Deepak D. (2021). Heterosis studies for yield and yield components in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 10(1): 1268-1275.
  31. Chaudhary J.G., Shah, S.N., Patel H.K. and Shroff J.C. (2020). Effect of nitrogen and potash levels on green pod yield, quality and postharvest soil nutrient status of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) during kharif Season under Middle Gujarat Conditions. International Journal of Current Microbiology Applied Science, 9(5): 1619-1626.
  32. Shah S.N., Patel H.K., and Patel A.P. (2020). Effect of Spacing and Topping on Yield of Summer Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology Applied Science, 9(5): 2312-2319.
  33. Vasava R.L., Shah S.N., Patel H.K. and Shroff J.C. (2020). Effect of nutrient management through organic sources on quality, post-harvest soil nutrient and economics fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.). International Journal of Chemical Studies, 8(3): 277-279.
  34. Lakum Y.C., Patel H.K., Patel G.G., Patel P.D. and Patel D.K. (2020). Residual effect of manure and fertilizer on growth, yield of chickpea and soil nutrient status under Maize-Chickpea cropping system. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 9(4): 2940-2945.
  35. Lakum Y.C., Patel H.K., Patel K.C., Patel G.G. and Patel P.D. (2020). Effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on maize yield, chemical composition and seed quality under maize: Chickpea cropping sequence. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 8(4): 145-146.
  36. Lakum Y.C., Patel H.K., Patel G.G., Makwana C.F. and Patel P.D. (2020). Yield and Yield attributes of maize as influenced by organic manures and inorganic fertilizers under Maize-Chickpea cropping Sequence. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 9(7): 994-1003.
  37. Vaghela G.M., Mevada K.D., Ninama S.D. and Patel H.K. (2020). Influence of intercropping system and integrated nitrogen management in maize (popcorn) (Zea mays everta L.) - chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) intercropping under middle Gujarat conditions. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 8(5): 1769-1774.
  38. Shiyal V.N., Patel H.K., Raval C.H., Rathwa M.K., Patel P.S. and Patel H.K. (2020). Fodder yield and economics as influenced by integrated nutrient management on fodder dual purpose oat (Avena sativa). International Journal of Current Microbiology Applied Science, 9(11): 3752-3758.
  39. Chaudhari S., Patel R.A. and Patel H. K. (2019). Effect of phosphorus, sulphur and biofertilizer on protein content, P and S content and uptake of summer green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek). International Journal of Chemical Studies, 7(3): 3994-3997.
  40. Chaudhary M. M., Chaudhari H. L., Patel J. A., Patel C. K. and Patel H. K. (2019). Precision nitrogen management in cereal crops. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 11(8): 8317-8321.
  41. Rathod A.M., Patel P.M., Patel H. K. and Ranva M. (2019). Nitrogen management through organic and inorganic sources in popcorn (Zea mays Everta). International Journal of Chemical Studies, 7(4): 1655-1658.
  42. Vasava Rakesh, Shah S. N., Patel Pinal B., Patel H. K. and Purabiya Vikas (2019). Feasibility of organic nutrient management in fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum Graecum L.). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 11(6): 8106-8108.
  43. Shanna A. Crawford, Jagruti C. Shroff and Shital B. Pargi (2018). Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Cutting Management on Growth and Yield of Multi-cut Forage Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Variety CoFS-29. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 14 (1).
  44. Shanna A. C., Shroff J. C., and Pargi S. B. (2018). Forage quality of multi-cut forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] variety cofs-29 as influenced by nitrogen levels and cutting intervals. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 14(1).
  45. Chaudhari G. B., Parmar D. K., Parmar R. S., Patel H. K. and Dabhi B. K. (2018). Mathematical modelling on rainfall and groundnut productivity in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10(11): 6198-6199.
  46. Chaudhari J. G., Shah S. N., Patel H. K. and Shroff J. C. (2018). Effect of nitrogen and potash levels on growth and green fruit yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L Moench). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10(10): 6177-6180.
  47. Chaudhary M. M., Bhanvadia A. S., Parmar P. N., Patel A. P. and Patel H. K. (2018). Effect of INM on yield, quality and economics of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) and on physico-chemical properties of soil. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10(9): 5931-5933.
  48. Patel G. G., Sadhu A. C., Patel H. K., Shah S. N. and Lakum Y. C (2018). Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers in comparison with humic acid on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10(13): 6524-6527.
  49. Purabiya V. S., Sadhu A. C., Patel H. K., Rathwa P. G., Vasava R. L., Patel P. B. and Patel D. N. (2018). Influence of integrated phosphorus management and growth regulators on growth and yield of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10(11): 6336-6338.
  50. Rathod P. H., Brackhage C., Müller I., Freek D. Vander Meer and Noomen M. F. (2018). Assessing metal-induced changes in the visible and near-infrared spectral reflectance of leaves: a pot study with sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 46(12): 1925-1937.
  51. Vaghela G. M., Chauhan N.P., Dabhi M. S. and Patel H. K. (2018). Effect of date of sowing and crop geometry on growth, yield attributes, yield and quality of Amaranthus (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 10 (10): 6044-6046.
  52. Umale A. A., Chauhan N. P., Mevada K. D., Patel H. K. and Kadu S. P. (2018). Effect of levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and biofertilizer on growth, yield attributes and yield of rabi green gram. Research on Crops, 19(1): 38-42.
  53. Damor H. I., Parmar H. P. and Parmar D. J. (2017). D2 analysis in forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Monch). International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5(4): 337-341.
  54. Shroff J. C. and Patel P. M. (2017). Performance of dual-purpose pearl millet as influenced by cutting management practices and nitrogen levels. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5(5): 601-603.
  55. Ruksar Banu, Shroff J. C. and Shah S. N. (2017) Effect of sources and levels of sulphur and bio-fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of summer groundnut. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(1): 67-70.
  56. Kapadia V. N., Saiyad M. R., Raiyani A. M. and Bhalala K. C. (2016). Estimation of heterosis for yield and its relevant traits in forage pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.R. BR.). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 8(54): 2829-2835.
  57. Pareek Pankaj, Patel M. R., Patel H. K. and Patel P. M. (2015). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen levels on forage yield and quality of pearl millet. International Journals of Agricultural Sciences, 11 (2): 264-267.
  58. Patel, P.M., Patel, J.J. and Patel, M.R. (2011). Yield and water use efficiency of summer transplanted pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) as influenced by IW: CPE ratios, mulches and anti-transpirant. International journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7 (1): 119-122.
  59. Joshi, K.R., Patel, N.N., Patel, P.M., Patel, M.R., and Patel, R.M. (2011). Varietal screening for resistance to wilt of cowpea. International journal of plant protection., 4 (1): 14-16.
  60. Patel N. N., Joshi, K.R., Patel, P.M., Patel, M.R. and Patel, R.M. (2010). Bio-efficacy of plant extracts against Fusarium Solani. International Journal of Plant Protection., 3 (2): 306-308.
  61. Patel, N. N., Joshi, K.R., Patel, P.M., Patel, M.R. and Patel, R.M. (2010). Management of cowpea wilt by organic amendments. International Journal of Plant Protection., 3 (2): 350-352.
  62. Patel, P. M., Patel, J. J., Patel, G. G.  and Gediya, K. M. (2010). Influence of irrigation schedules, mulches and anti-transpirant on growth and yield of summer transplanted pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.). Inter. J. Forestry and Crop Improv., 1(2) : 60-63.


  1. National Journals
  1. Gamit, N. S., Litoriya, N. S., Thounaojam, A. S., and Patel, P. K. (2023). Biochemical composition, oil profiling and elemental analysis of different cumin (Cuminum cyminum) genotypes. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 32(1), 34-48. 10.25081/josac.2023.v32.i1.8033
  2. Patel R. H., Patel P. M., Patel H. K., Patel H. K. and Patel T. D. (2022). Nitrogen management through organic sources and biofertilizers in summer groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.). The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11(9): 1342-1347.
  3. Patel H. K., Rathod P. H., Shroff J. C. and Patel P. M. (2021). Green fodder yield and quality of fodder maize as influenced by seed priming. Green Farming, 12 (1&2): 46-48.
  4. Shroff J. C., Patel H. K., Patel P. M. and Rathod P. H. (2021). Effect of nitrogen levels on yield and quality of Guinea grass under middle Gujarat condition. Green Farming, 12 (1&2): 35-38.
  5. Chaudhary N. N., Patel R. A. and Patel H. K. (2020). Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur on growth and yield of Rajma (L.). Green farming, 11(2&3): 156-161.
  6. Patel G. G., Patel H.K., Lakum Y.C. and Shah S. N. (2020). Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers in comparison with humic acid on wheat quality, nutrient content and soil nutrient status after harvest. Green farming, 11(2&3):195-198.
  7. Sidapara Mayank P., Gohil D. P., Patel Oarthik U. and Sharma Deepak D. (2021). Heterosis studies for yield and yield components in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phyto chemistry 10(1):1268-1275.   
  8. Rathod A. M., Patel P. M., Ranva Monika, Patel H. K. and Patel V. J. (2019). Effect of nitrogen management through organic and inorganic sources on growth and yield of popcorn (Everta) Green Farming, 10(4): 479-482.
  9. Ranva Monika, Patel H. K., Patel P. M., Rathod A. M. and Patel A. P. (2019). Effect of clipping and plant growth regulators on growth and yield of summer sesame. Green Farming, 10(4): 474-478.
  10. Damor H. I., Parmar H. P., Gohil D. P. and Patel A. A. (2018). Genetic variability, character association, path coefficient in forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Green Farming, 9(2): 218-223.
  11. Chaudhari S., Patel R. A. and Patel H. K. (2018). Response of phosphorus and sulphur with and without PSB inoculation on growth and yield of summer green gram. Green farming, 9(6): 1011-1014.
  12. Patel C. J., Gediya K. M., Patel H. K. and Patel A. R. (2018). Effect of fertilizer and weed management practices on growth and yield of Bidi Tobacco: Indian Journal of Weed Science, 50(2): 195-197.
  13. Machhar N. R., Shroff J. C., and Shah S. N. (2017). Growth and yield of summer groundnut as influenced by fertility levels and bio-fertilizer. Multilogic in Science, 7(24): 19-20.
  14. Patel P. M., Patel M. R., Shroff J. C. and Parmar H. P. (2016). Effect of multi-micronutrients mixture grades on seed yield of Lucerne (cv. Anand-2). Green Farming, 7(1): 191-193.
  15. Nanavati J. I., Parmar H. P. and Bhatt J. P. (2016). Heterosis response for green fodder yield and its quality traits in forage maize (Zea mays L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 7(1): 184-188.
  16. Patel P. M., Patel M. R., Mistry G. J., Shroff J. C. and Parmar H.P.   (2015). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen management on seed production of forage oats (Avena sativa L.).  Green Farming, 5(6): 1009-1011.
  17. Akabari V. R. and Parmar H. P. (2014). Heterosis response and combining ability for green fodder yield and its quality traits in forage Sorghum. Journal of Progressive Agriculture, 5 (1): 5-14.
  18. Parmar H.P., Saiyad M. R. and Patel P. M. (2014). GAAU-1: A high yielding variety of Anjan grass for pasture lands of Gujarat. Forage Research, 39 (3): 154-155.
  19. Patel P. M., Patel M. R., Mistry G. J., Shroff J. C. and Parmar H. P. (2014). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen management on seed production of forage oats (Avena sativa L.).  Green Farming, 5(6): 1009-1011.
  20. Parmar, H.P., Saiyad, M.R. and Patel, P.M. (2013). A high yielding variety of Anjan grass for pasture lands of Gujarat. Forage Res., 39(3): pp. 154-155.
  21. Deore, S.M., Patel, M.R. Patel, P.M., Patel, H.K. and Patel, U.J. (2013). Production potential of forage maize (Zea mays L.) - cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) intercropping system as influenced by row ratios. Advance Resrarch Journal of Crop Improvement., 4(2): 110-112.
  22. Akabari, V.R., Parmar, H.P., M. Viranjana and Vakarani, D.B. (2012). Heterosis and combining ability for green fodder yield and its contributing traits in forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (l.) Moench]. Forage Res., 38 (3): pp. 156-163.
  23. Yadav, P.C., Sadhu, A.C., Swarnkar, P.K. and Patel, M.R. (2010). Effect of integrated nitrogen management of forage yield of multicut sorghum, available nitrogen and microbial count in the soil. Journal of Indian Soc. of Soil Science, 58 (3) : 303-308.
  24. Patel, N.N., Patel, C.C., Patel, M.R., Parmar, H.P. and Kher, H.R. (2010). Management of Root rot of Cowpea caused by Fusarium solani. Forage Res., 35 (4): 227-230.
  25. Parmar, H.P., Kher, H.R. and Patel, R.M. (2010). GAMG-2 : A high yielding variety of marvel grass for pasture and of Gujarat. Range Management & Agroforestry Symposium issue (A): 23-24. 
  26. Patel, M.R., Meisheri T.G., and Sadhu A.C., (2010). Effect of irrigation, nitrogen and bio-fertilizer and forage yield and quality of Oat. (Avena sativa L.). Forage Res., 35 (4): pp. 231-235.
  27. Patel, M.R., Sadhu A.C., Patel, P.C. and Kher, H.R. (2010). Enhancing and sustaining the productivity of forage cropping systems through manure and fertilizer management. Forage Res., 36 (2): pp. 105-110.
  28. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C., Patel, N.N., Patel, R.M. and Patel, J.C. (2009).  Effect of farm yard manure and nitrogen levels on forage yield and quality of Bajra Napier Hybrid (Pennisetum purpureum). Res. on Crops, 9 (3): 561-562.
  29. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C., and Patel, P.C. (2009). Mixed cropping of Lucerne (Medicago savtiva L.) and Pandadia (Chicorium intybus L.) as influenced by seed ratios and nitrogen levels. Forage Res. 35 (1):  27-29.
  30. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C. and Patel, J.C. (2008). Effect of irrigation, nitrogen and bio-fertilizer inoculation on N, P and K content and uptake of forage oat (Avena sativa L.). Res. on Crops, 9 (3): 544-546.
  31. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C., Patel, R.M., Kher, H.R. and Parmar, D.J. (2008). Remunerative forage based cropping sequence for sustained productivity under irrigated conditions. Res. on Crops,  9 (2): 322-324.
  32. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C., Patel, R.M., Parmar, H.P. and Kher, H.R. (2008). Cutting Management in different genotypes of forage bajra during summer season. Res. on Crops, 9 (2): 325-327.
  33. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C., Patel, N.N., Patel, R.M. and Patel, J.C. (2008). Effect of farm yard manure and nitrogen levels on forage yield and quality of bajra napier hybrid (Pennisetum purpureum). Res. on Crops, 9 (3): 561-562.
  34. Sadhu, A.C., Patel, M.R., Patel, R.M., and Parmar, D. J. (2008). Effect of stubble height and fertility levels on yield and quality of multicut forage sorghum cv.S.S.G.59-3. Res. on Crops, 9 (2): 328-330.
  35. Borad, V.P., Gangani, M.K. and Parmar, H.P. (2007). Character association in forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Forage Res., 32 (4) : 213-215.   
  36. Patel, A.S., Barevadia, T.N., Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C. and Parmar, H.P. (2007). Effect of nitrogen and different management practices on growth and seed production of Oat (Avena sativa L.). Forage Res., 32 (4) : 264-266.   
  37. Patel, A.S., Sadhu, A.C., Patel, M.R.  and Patel, P.C. (2007). Effect of zinc, FYM and fertility levels on yield and quality of Forage Maize (Zea mays L.). Forage Res., 32 (4) : 209-212.        
  38. Patel, K.V., Yadavendra, J.P., Parmar, H.P., Gangani, M.K. and Patel, P.C. (2007). Estimates of variability in Cenchrus ciliaris (L.). Forage Res., 32 (4) : 229-232.
  39. Patel, M.R., Sadhu, A.C., Patel, P.C., Patel, C.C. and Patel, N.N. (2007). Forage yield and quality of Pandadiu (Chicorium intybus L.) as influenced by seed rate and nitrogen levels under middle Gujarat conditions. Forage Res., 32 (4) : 233-235.   
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  41. Patel, M.R., Barevadia, T.N. Sadhu, A.C., Patel, P.C. and Yadavendra, J.P. (2007). Production potential of Forage Maize (Zea mays L.)–Cowpea cropping system as influenced by row ratios. GAU Res. J., 28 (1-2): 30-32.
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  44. Sadhu, A.C., Patel, P.C., Patel, M.R., and Yadavendra, J. P. (2007). Influence of fertility and sulphur levels on yield and quality of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). GAU Res. J., 29 (1-2): 103-104
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