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Main Forage Research Station, Anand

Research Activities

Crop Improvement

  • Strengthening of genetic resources which includes collection, evaluation and maintenance of germplasm for making use in breeding programmes.
  • Development of new genetic materials for developing genotypes with high stable yield, better grain quality and resistance various biotic and abiotic stresses
  • Testing of newly developed genotypes under various categories of trails such as AVT, IVT, LSVT, SSVT
  • Seed multiplication of different varieties on large scale to cater to the need of farmers and various seed producing agencies.
  • Dissemination of the newly developed technology on the farmer's field through demonstrations

Resource Management

  • Enhancing and sustaining yield and soil fertility in forage cropping systems through manure and fertilizer management.
  • Remunerative forage based cropping system for sustained production under irrigated condition.
  • Integrated nutrient management in forage based system
  • To study the effect of nitrogen on forage crops.
  • To workout the suitable inter cropping system in forage crops.
  • Effect of fertilizer management on seed yield of Lucerne


  • To analyze plant samples for dry matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF, HCN for quality evaluation of various trials of Plant breeding, Agronomy, Biochemistry and other AICRP locations.
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