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Agricultural Research Station, Kansari



Agricultural Research Station,
Anand Agricultural University,
Kansari - 388 630 (Gujarat)

Ta. Khambhat, Dist. Anand



The Agricultural Research Station, Kansari established in the year 2021-22.

Earlier this farm was popular as ‘Trial Cum Demonstration Farm (TCD)’ and was run by the District Panchayat, Anand. This farm was non-operational since April 1996. 

The Registrar, Anand Agricultural University, Anand vide vernacular office order No. AAKRUYU/ RAJEE/ JAMIN RECORD/ 406/ 2022 dated 14.9.2022. assigned the Agricultural Research Station, Kansari to the Unit Officer, Regional Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand for developing and fulfilling the objectives of Seed Production, Research and Extension activities.       


Kansari is a small Village/hamlet in Khambhat Taluka in Anand District of Gujarat State, India. It comes under Kansari Panchayat. It is located 47 Kms. towards West from district headquarters Anand. Kansari is surrounded by Tarapur, Petlad and Sojitra Talukas towards North, Borsad Taluka towards East and Arabian sea towards West. The nearest railway stations are Khambhat and Kali talavadi, both at ‘2’ kms. Distance. 



  • Seed Production of major crops of the area.
  • Research and Extension activities for the major crops of the area.



  • Research on suitable Natural Farming methods/ modules viz. Intercropping, Mixed cropping, Companion cropping, Mulching, Minimum (Shallow) Tillage, and Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) for the major crops of the area, i. e.  Rice, Wheat, Bajra, Gram, Vegetable and Forage crops etc.
  • Research on suitable Natural Farming modules viz. use of cow dung/ urine based ‘Jeevamrut’ ‘Ghan Jeevamrut’ and ‘Beejamrut’ instead of chemical fertilizers and use of ‘Jeevastra’, ‘Brahmastra’ ‘Neemastra’ and ‘Agnistra’ instead of chemical pesticides for plant protection for the major crops of the area, i. e.  Rice, Wheat, Bajra, Gram, Vegetable and Forage crops etc.
  • Identification of Local prevalent varieties of Rice, Wheat, Bajra, Gram, Vegetable and Forage crops etc. which give maximum benefits to the farmers under Natural Farming.
  • Quality Seeds/ Planting materials’ production of Local prevalent varieties of Rice, Wheat, Bajra, Gram, Vegetable and Forage crops etc. suitable under Natural Farming.
  • Transfer of Technology through trainings, front line demonstrations, field days etc.  for Natural farming of above crops and varieties to the farmers of Khambhat, Tarapur, Petlad and adjoining areas.
  • Research on salt resistant/ tolerant varieties of Rice, Wheat (Duram), Gram, Oilseed, Pulses, Vegetable and Forage crops; its suitability, identification and varietal improvement.
  • Research on crop production techniques including conjunctive use of water, irrigation management, Micro irrigation and Drainage for Rice, Wheat (Duram), Gram, Vegetable and Forage crops in high salinity/ waterlogged/ poor water quality areas.
  • Quality Seeds/ Planting materials’ production for Rice, Wheat (Duram), Gram, Vegetable and Forage crops.
  • Transfer of Technology through trainings, front line demonstrations, field days etc.  for above crops and varieties including tissue-cultured Date palm, Coconut etc. to the farmers of Khambhat, Tarapur, Petlad and adjoining areas.


Brief about the activities carried out;

  1. As the farm was non-operational since April 1996, it was densely covered with bush, grasses and ‘Ganda Baval’. The total area of 11.82 ha. was cleared, levelled and plots of appropriate size were developed using GPS and Levelling tools.
  2. As the farm comes under Saline and Coastal area, efforts were made to explore canal irrigation from Kali talavadi branch canal. The same was materialized and in very near future, farm would be able to receive canal water.
  3. Facility of new Borewell, Irrigation Pipeline network and ‘Kundis’ were also created.
  4. Seed production activities were started with Castor in Late Kharif season and Wheat in Rabi season.
  5. A training programme for ‘Gram Sevaks’ and Progressive farmers was also organized on March 13, 2024 at the station.
  6. A proposal for ‘Establishment of Natural Farming Research Centre at Kansari’ worth Rs. 638.43 lakhs was submitted to the Government of Gujarat for consideration from 2024-25. The same was approved as new scheme vide Dept. of Agriculture, Farmer’s Welfare and Cooperation, GOG, resolution No. ACD/BUD/e-file/2/2023/5422/K2 Section-Agri Uni dated 5.3.2024  
  7. A proposal has also been submitted to the Government of Gujarat for ‘Research on Crop Improvement, Production technologies and Seed production of major crops of Coastal and Saline areas at Kansari’ worth Rs. 656.73 lakhs for consideration from 2024-25. The same was approved as new scheme vide Dept. of Agriculture, Farmer’s Welfare and Cooperation, GOG, resolution No. ACD/BUD/e-file/2/2023/5561/K2 Section-Agri Uni dated 15.3.2024


Ongoing Experiments:

Two experiments are being conducted on natural farming as under:

  • Assessment of crop management module in Castor Groundnut intercropping system
  • Assessment of crop management module in DSR Rice – Wheat + Chickpea cropping system


Seed production:

Seeds produced by ARS, Kansari (in q.)



Nucleus/ Breeder











2024-25 #






# Rabi provisional




Glimpses of development:


ARS, Kansari farm fencing



ARS, Kansari Laying Irrigation pipeline





Kali talavadi canal extension for ARS, Kansari farm



Wheat Seed production at ARS, Kansari



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