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Weed control Project, Anand


The department started as a constituent of Mungalal Goenka Institute of Animal Genetics and Nutrition, which formed a part of the Institute of Agriculture, Anand. One of the objects of this institution was to carry out research in Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Animal Breeding and Animal Nutrition. The research work on these subjects commenced from 1942 onwards after the acquisition of land and construction of requisite buildings. As the laboratory facilities were not available here during the early years of the institute, the laboratories of the Agricultural Chemist, Baroda state were utilized for the research work in animal nutrition and dairy science section of the institute till 1945; from this period onwards the laboratory facilities were made available here and research problems on animal nutrition and dairy science were taken up.

As some useful research work on increasing fodder production, increasing milk production and proper feeding of farm animals was being carried out at this institute during its initial stage, the Government of India considered this to be a suitable place for locating one of the regional stations in Animal Nutrition in this country. As a result of this, the Western Regional Animal Nutrition Research Station was established here in the year 1952.

In the earlier stage it included the following items of work:

1)      General survey of feeds and fodders in the integrating states – Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

2)      Survey of feeding practices and the nutritional status of the cattle in the above mentioned states.

3)      Blood norms for morphological constituents, minerals and vitamins in the blood of different categories of cattle.

During the earlier period of the scheme, actual position regarding the feeds and fodders available and the feeding practices in the various states of the region were surveyed and after studying them to the extent possible due recommendations have been made for suitable modifications in the productions of feeds and fodders in the mode of their utilization wherever necessary. Consequently, an ad-hoc committee appointed by the I.C.A.R. suggested that these regional stations should take up long-term experiments, which should throw some light on the appropriate nutritional requirements for different categories of animals. Studies of the blood picture of some important breeds of cattle as well as about some new feeds were also taken up.  Survey of nutritional status of cattle in the region with respect to carotene / vitamin A and minerals including trace elements in blood and experiments to rectify the deficiencies by supplemental feeding was taken up. Economics of different balanced ration for milk production and growth was taken up. Demonstration of results achieved on the feeding of (a) cotton seed Vs cottonseed cake or balanced mixture and (b) Production of fodders with guinea grass and lucerne. Estimation of carotene and vitamin A in different items of feed fed during different seasons in the blood. Study on the effect of plane of nutrition (energy and protein) on efficiency of growth. Chemical composition of feeds received through I.S.I. and similar other institution was also taken up.  Since the emphasis on the requirements of the region for which these stations function changed from time to time and another Ad-hoc committee reviewed the work of these stations and suggested new lines of work.



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