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Weed control Project, Anand

Research Activities

Research Activities.

v     Long term and short term feeding experiments are being carried out to know the nutritional requirement of various categories of animals.


v     The work on augmentation and utilization of new agro industrial byproducts and waste materials for livestock and poultry.


v     Study on effect of feeding on haematological and chemical constituents of blood of animals and to establish blood norms of various animals.


v     To develop the feeding strategy for feeding of animals during scarcity.


v     Formulation and evaluation of different types of complete feeds and total mixed rations for feeding of different categories of livestock.


v     Formulation of draft standards for different feeds for Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS); New Delhi.


v     To determine the mineral status of feeds, fodder, soil and blood in different agro-climatic zones of the state and to develop suitable technology for supplementation of appropriate mineral mixture in the deficient areas.


v     To enhance the feed efficiency of livestock and poultry through use of different feed additives including enzymes and probiotics.


v     The in vitro dry matter digestibility and methane production from different feeds and fodder.


v     Estimation of methane emission from feeds and fodder and development of strategies for methane mitigation.


v     To enhance reproductive performance and productivity of ruminants by supplementing bypass protein, bypass fat and appropriate mineral mixture.


v     Strategic supplementation of nutrients to combat the effect of heat stress and climate change.


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