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Micronutrient Research Centre, Anand

Agro-climatic information

Name of the agro-climatic region Middle Gujarat Agro-Climatic Zone – III (AES – II)
Rainfall 800-1000 mm, Rainy days:35-40
Soil The soil of the area is locally known as goradu soil and it is alluvial in origin and belongs to Entisols. The texture is sandy loam. It is low in N, medium in available phosphorus and high in available potash. It is low to medium in Zn and Fe and sufficient in Mn and Cu. The soil reaction is slightly above neutral
Temperature Max. (0C): 35o
Min. (0C): 28o
Geographical Details Latitude- 22o 11’ N
Longitude- 73o 27’ E
Altitude (M.S.L.)- 43.128 m
Soil Properties Type : Sandy loam to loamy sand (Typic Ustrocherpts)


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