Micronutrient Research Centre, Anand



1.    To delineate micro- and secondary- nutrients (MSN) deficiency/toxicity as well as        heavy metal contaminated areas by soil and plant analysis.

2.    Response studies under field and pot house conditions.

3.    To index MSN deficiencies and toxicities in crops and soils under different soil-            cropping management systems.

4.    Refinement of critical values of micro and secondary nutrients in soil and                    standardization of soil test methods.

5.    To develop techniques for increasing fertilizer-use- efficiency including organic            manures, sewage sludge in ameliorating the MSN deficiencies in crops and soils.

6.    Screening of crop genotypes for micronutrient efficiency.

7.    Assessment of micronutrient deficiency in relation to Soil – Plant – Animal –                  Human health continuum.

8.    Study of mechanisms of nutrient interactions in soils and plants.

9.    Monitoring of heavy metal toxicity in relation to soil- plant- human-animal health        continuum.

10.  To advocate generated technologies through FLD/Field day etc. on use of                      secondary & micronutrients in agriculture.



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