Kadavala J. B., Patel M. B., Parmar, P. K., and Patil Kalyan Rao (2023). Seed ageing physiological, biochemical and molecular basis: A review. The Pharma Innovations Journal, 12(4): 1511-1517
Patel K. H., Parmar P. K., Patel M. B., Varma H S., Mehta P. V., and Patel N. J. (2023). Production of baby corn hybrid as influenced by Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Kharif season: A review. The Pharma Innovations Journal, 12(8): 2153-2156
Varma H S., Patel M. B., Patel K. H., Parmar P. K., Rathod D. M. and Late Singh S. K. (2023), Integrated disease management for effective control of banded leaf and sheath blight in maize The Pharma Innovation Journal, 12(9): 2304-2307
Varma H.S., Suthar M.D., Zala M.B., Patel M.B., Parmar P.K., Thumar R.K., Sisodiya D.B. and Patel J.K. (2022). Screening of maize cultivars/genotypes for resistance against fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith). The Pharma Innovations Journal,11(8):1468-1472
Damor C.B., Chauhan C. D., Rathod D. M. and Hadiya G. D. (2022). Adoption of farmers about pest management in maize crop in panchmahals district. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Volume 11 :Issue 2 : 19-25
Varma H. S., Sisodiya D.B., Zala M. B., Patel M.B., Patel J.K., Patel K.H and Borad P.K. (2021). Evaluation of Indigenous materials against Fall army worm, Spodoptera frugipera (J. E.Smith) in Maize. The Pharma Innovations Journal,10 (10) : 398-404
Patel K.H., Parmar P. K., Patel M. B., Varma H. S., Singh S. K., Mehta P. V., Patel N. J and Patel V.J. (2021). Production of baby corn hybrid as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus in Rabi season. The Pharma Innovations Journal,10 (12): 712-715
Patel M.B., Parmar P.K., Patel K.H., Singh S.K., Varma H. S., Patel V. J. and Khanorkar S. M. (2020). A new Single Cross Pop corn hybrid IHPC-1203 for Kharif cultivation in North West Peninsular Zone, North East Peninsular Zone and Peninsular. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 9(9): 1858-1866
Dhobi C. B., Zala M. B., Varma H. S., Sisodiya D. B., Thumar R. K., Patel M. B., Patel J. K. and Borad P. K. (2020). Evaluation of Bio-pesticides against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) in Maize. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 8 (2020)
Meeral Suthar., Zala M.B., Varma H.S., Minaxi Lunagariya, Patel M.B., Patel B.N. and Borad P.K. (2020). Bioefficacy of granular insecticides against fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) in maize. International Journal of Chemical Studies, SP-8(4): 174-179
Lunagariya M.V., Zala M.B., Varma H.S., Suthar M.D., Patel M.B., Patel B.N. and Borad P.K. (2020). Efficacy of poison baits against fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) infesting maize. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies ,8(4): 2251-2256
Parmar P. K., Patel M. B., Singh S. K., Patel K. H., Varma H. S., Parmar H. C., Patel N. J. and Khanorkar S. M. (2019). A New High Yielding Baby Corn Hybrid GAYMH-1 for Kharif Cultivation in Peninsular Zone and Central West Zone. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 8(9): 1025-1030
Barad A., Singh S. K., Bhagora G. and Patel M.B. (2019). In-vitro evaluation of different fungicides and bioagents against E. turcicum causing turcicum leaf blight disease of maize. International Journal of Chemical Studies; 7(4): 682-686.
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Patel K. H., Patel M.B., Bhanvadia A. S., Parmar P. K., Singh S. K. and Patel V. J. (2018). Performance of hybrid maize in Rabi season with different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Maize Journal, 7 (2) : 85-89, (April-October-2018)
Patel K. H., Parmar P. K., Patel M. B., Singh S. K., Rathod D. M., and Thakker B. N. (2017). Performance of single cross hybrid maize at varying levels of nitrogen and phosphorus under rainfed conditions of middle Gujarat plains. Maize Journal, 6 (1 & 2) : 40-46.
Patel K.H., Parmar P.K., Khanorkar S. M. and Singh S.K. (2016) Effect of tassel removal on crop growth, yield and economics of Rabi maize. (Zea mays L.) Maize journal, vol. (1): 55-58.
National Journal
Rathod D. M., Damor C.B. and Patel K.H. (2021). Effect of frontline demonstrations of knowledge and adoption of maize farmers. Guj. J. Ext. Edu,Vol 32. Issue 2.
Damor C.B., Rathod D. M. and Chauhan C.D. (2021). Knowledge and Adoption of recommended scientific practices of castor growers about castor cultivation. Guj. J. Ext. Edu., Vol 32. Issue. 1.
Rathod D. M., Damor C.B. and Patel K.H. (2020). Knowledge of Trained Maize Famers about recommended maize production technology. Guj. J. Ext. Edu., Vol 31. Issue. 2.
Rathod D.M., Patel K.H. and Patel M.B. (2019). Popularization of improved maize hybrids through frontline demonstration in middle Gujarat Guj. J. Ext. Edu. Vol 30. Issue. 1.
Thakker B.N., Patel K.H. and Singh S.K. (2018). Knowledge and adoption of farmers about scientific cultivation of maize in Panchmahal District. Special issue on “Extension Strategies for Doubling the Farmer’s Income for Livelihood Security by Guj. J. Ext. Edu., pp. 190-196.