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Agricultural Research Station, Dahod

Agricultural Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Muvaliya Farm, Dahod - 389 160

Agricultural Research Station

Anand Agricultural University

    Muvaliya Farm, Dahod-389 160      


   Now, Agricultural Research Station (Hill Millet Research Station), AAU, Dahod-389160 was started in 1977 with objectives to cater basic needs of local tribal farmers. This Agricultural Research station is popularly known as “MUVALIYA FARM” in this area. The station is located on 20º 50' North latitude and 75º 18' East altitude, near to Ahmedabad –Indore national highway No.59 and 5 km away from Dahod railway station & bus station. Total area of the Muvaliya farm is 46.70 hectares. Out of this, 14.70 hectares is under various offices comprising of Hill Millet Research Station, KVK office, Polytechnic College and all types of residential quarters. 8.50 hectares is under cultivation and used for various research programmes of different crops under hill millet research station. After establishment of Gujarat state in 1st May, 1960, this farm came under the jurisdiction of state Government. Muvaliya farm which later in June 1972, became a part of the Gujarat Agricultural University. When Anand Agricultural University came in to existence from 1st May, 2004 by enactment of Gujarat Agricultural University, Act 2004 (Gujarat Act, No 5 of 2004), Agricultural Research Station (Hill Millet Research Station), AAU, Dahod became a prominent research station for tribal belt of Gujarat.



  • Development and identification of early, medium, late maturity and high yielding variety for assured irrigated kharif and Rabi season through trials.

Maintenance of germplasms collections for suitable to agro climatic zones of Gujarat.

Maintenance and production of quality seed for farmers.

Dissemination of latest and improved technologies Spread through Field day, Krishi Mela and Krishi Mahotsav, Trainings, etc. Quality seed production through Seed Village Programme.


Total 06 varieties are released click here

Total 13 Project/Scheme are Ongoing  click here

15 Research Paper published in International journal, 07 in National journal, 03 Book, 02  Edited book, 03 Book Chapter, 05 Technician bulletin, 01 Popular article  from this centre click here

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