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Institute of Distance Education Anand ( IDEA)


Academic activities:

Institute of Distance Education Anand (IDEA), AAU, Anand  successfully completed  two batches 12 Day “Certificate course on Insecticide Management for Insecticide Dealer/Distributor”

( Two from  June, 2021 to September, 2021)

         Insecticide is one of the important agri inputs in agriculture. The Insecticides is mostly marketed by dealers, distributors and retailers. Most of the farmers are dependent on insecticides dealers/ retailers for information related to insecticides and pest management. However, majority of the insecticides dealers do not have formal education in agriculture. It is essential therefore to impart technical knowledge on pesticide and pest management based on scientific recommendations.

        In this context, Institute of Distance Education Anand (IDEA), Anand Agricultural University, Anand successfully completed two batches of  12 Day “Certificate Course on Insecticide Management for insecticides dealers/distributors” from  June, 2021 to September, 2021 as per the guidelines given by the National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), Hydrabad.  In two batches, total 76 insecticides dealers / distributors were enrolled from Ahmedabad district.  The training were included theory as well as practical classes. During the training, trainees were acquainted with various aspects like weed management, pest and disease management.


12 Day  "Certificate Course on Insecticides management For Insecticide  Dealers / Distributors"  

            (3rd  Batche Started from 01.10.2021) 



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