To breed, screen and evolve high yielding genotypes of G. herbaceum having consistence performance with high ginning out-turn and having fibre quality attributes suitable to modern textile requirements for low cost agriculture.
To evolve short duration genotypes, tolerance to drought, salinity and water logging conditions and use them in breeding / selection of better genotypes.
To assess agronomical requirements for higher quantitative and qualitative gains from the newly developed genotypes.
To ascertain plant production and protection package for getting higher quantitative and qualitative gains from the newly developed genotypes.
Breeder / Nucleus seed production of the released and newly developed closed / semi-open varieties / genotypes of herbaceum cotton.
Collection, evaluation and maintenance of indigenous and exotic Germplasm of cotton.
Dissemination of the technology of deshi cotton to the farmers.
To develop and screen genetic materials for dual purpose sorghum having good quality attributes with high yield.
Collection, evaluation and maintenance of indigenous germplasm of sorghum.