(a) Agroclimatic Zone :- Middle Gujarat Agro-Climatic zone – III
(b) Rainfall :-
The annual rainfall of this station over the past 10 years ranges from 325 mm to 1246 mm with an average precipitation of 750 mm
(c) Soil :-
The soil of the farm is sandy loam in texture, poor in organic carbon, medium in available phosphorus and rich in available potash. The soil is deficient in micro- nutrients like Fe, Zn, Cu & Mn. The soil reaction is slightly alkaline with pH 7.3
(d) Temperature :-
The climatic conditions of the area represents the subtropical conditions with semi arid climate. The monsoon commences by third week of June and ceases by middle of September. The July and August are the months of heavy rains. The winter is cool and dry while summer is quite dry and hot. The January is the coldest month of winter with mean monthly minimum temperature varying from 8.2 ºC to 21.5 ºC. On the other hand, May is the hottest month in which the maximum temperature varies from 39.6 ºC to 47.3 ºC.
(e) Geographical Details :- Climate Subtropical.
Latitude 22° 36’ N
Longitude 73° 27’ E
Elevation 83.140 m
Average Rainfall 750 mm.
(f) Soil properties :-
Type :- Sandy loam, Highly productive and responsive to fertilizers.