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Agricultural Research Station, Dhandhuka


A. Dry Farming Research Scheme:
1 To evaluate high yielding varieties of Gram, Wheat & cotton crop for farmers of Bhal Zone.
2 Introduction of new crops for profitable production suitable in Bhal.
3 To find out spacing & fertilizer requirement.
B. Cotton Research Scheme:
1 To develop high yielding and drought tolerance varieties of short staple cotton..
2 To find out the package of practices for cotton crops under conserved moisture condition of this area.
C. Wheat Research Scheme
1 To evaluate & develop new strains/cultures of high yielding rust resistant with good adaptibilities, salinity, heat & drought tolerance wheat varieties under Bhal condition.
D. Sardar Sarovar Irrigation Research Project
1 To ensure efficient & effective use of Narmada irrigation water for the development of Agriculture research in the state.


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