Kharif : 2022-23
1. |
Large Scale Varietal Trial – Aerobic (No. of Treatments : 7+15+4= 26) |
2. |
Large Scale Varietal Trial – Aromatic (No. of Treatments : 16+6= 26) |
3. |
Small Scale Varietal Trial – Aerobic (No. of Treatments : 29+4= 33) |
4. |
Efficacy of TRACON GOLD application on yield, quality and soil properties under rice crop |
Rabi: 2023-24
5. |
Standardization on concentration and frequency of foliar spray of Zn solution for combating its deficiency in Tomato |
6. |
Large Scale Varietal Trial –DT on tomato |
7. |
Study of Nano-Nitrogen fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Nutrients content in Wheat |
8. |
Study of Nano-Nitrogen fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Nutrients content in Potato |
Summer: 2024
9. |
Small Scale Varietal Trial of Paddy (No. of Treatments : 18 + 4 = 22) |
10. |
Preliminary Evolution Trial (PET) of Paddy (No. of Treatments : 21 + 3 = 24) |
Zonal varietal Trial of Ground nut (No. of Treatments : 5 + 4(C) = 9) |
SSNNL Demonstration on Research Station
S.N. |
Name of Demonstration |
Season |
Brief about the Technologies/Improved practice to be demonstrated |
No. of replications |
Suggested period for visit |
From |
To |
1. |
Cotton – Castor relay cropping |
Kharif |
1.Farmer’s practices Cotton alone 2.Improved practices Sowing cotton crop during first week of June and sowing of castor crop in between two rows of cotton during last week of August |
1 |
July |
March |
2. |
Nutrient management through organic source in summer green gram (Vigna Radiate L.) |
Summer |
1.Farmer’s practices Sowing green gram with only 20-40-00 kg NPK /ha without FYM and Bio NP 2.Improved practices Sowing green gram with application of vermicompost 0.50 t/ha + Bio NP 1 L/ha |
1 |
Feb. |
April |