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Narmada Irrigation Research Station, Khandha

Agro-climatic information


 Agro-climatic information

       Khandha farm represents the Agro-Climatic Region-13 of India and Middle Gujarat Agro-Climatic Zone of Gujarat and agro ecological situations-IX of Middle Gujarat agro climatic zone which covered Karjan, part of Dabhoi, Sankheda and Shinor Taluka. The major crops grown are cotton, castor, sugarcane, paddy, pigeonpea, banana and some extent vegetables also


Soil of the Farm

      The soil of the farm is classified in Halder series, montmorillonitic, non-calcareous, temperature regime hyper-thermic, order-vertisols and suborder Typic Chromusterts. The soil is characterized by very deep black clayey, imperfectly drained with low infiltration rate.

      The pH range of soil is from 7.44 to 8.28 and EC range is from 0.53 to 1.43 dSm-1 (1:2.5). Soil is high in organic C, Av. K2O and Av. S, while medium in Av. P2O5. Overall micronutrients status is enough to high. However, out of total 18 plots, 3 plots (Plot no. 5,12,13) are deficient in Av. P2O5, 4 plots (Plot no. 2,3,5,18) are nearer to deficient in Zn and plot no 13 is deficient in Zn, 3 plots (Plot no. 4,6,12) are nearer to deficient in B and plot no. 3 is deficient in Fe (Source: Soil analysis report-2019).

       The soil crack during dry season and after 4 to 5 days of irrigation/rainfall, the surface 5 cm layer of soil shows normal character of vapsa conditions and cracking but below this layer soil moisture retention is very high which do not allow successful farm operations during rainy season.




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