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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Devataj(Sojitra)


  • To organize short and long-term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youths with emphasis on "learning by doing' for higher production on farms and generating self-employment.
  • To organize frontline demonstrations on various crops to generate production data and feedback information
  • To organize training to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis.
  • To undertake "On-farm testing" for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems.


Mandate of KVKs:

Keeping in view the importance of translational research for effective technology dissemination and considering the changing agricultural scenario, the suggested Vision, Mission and mendate of KVK are now proposed as:  

Vision: Science and Technology-led growth leading to enhance Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability of agriculture.

Mission: Farmer centric growth in agriculture and allied sectors through application of appropriate technologies in specific agro-ecosystem perspective. 

Mandate: Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its wider Application and to enhance Capacity Development (TADA-CD).


To implement the mandate effectively through creation of awareness about improved agricultural technologies, the following activities be defined for each KVK.


 1. On farm Testing (OFT) to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.

2. Out scaling of farm innovations through Frontline Demonstration (FLD) to showcase the specific benefits/ worth of technologies on farmers fields.

3. Capacity Development of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies and enterprises.

4. Work as Knowledge and Resources Center for improving overall agricultural economy in the Operational area.

5. conduct frontline extension programmes and provide farm advisories using Information Communication Technology (ICT) and other media on varied subjects of interest to farmers.

6. Data documentation, characterization and strategic planning of farming practices.

KVK, while acting as a single window Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), should produce quality technology related inputs/ products (seeds, planting materials, bio-agents, livestock, fingerlings etc.) and make them available to farmers. Besides, identify and document selected farmer-led innovations and converge with ongoing schemes and programmes within the mandate of KVK. 

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