1. Training Programmes
Clientele |
No. of Courses |
Male |
Female |
Total participants |
Farmers & farm women |
63 |
1384 |
1908 |
Rural youths |
02 |
42 |
00 |
42 |
Extension functionaries |
04 |
170 |
12 |
182 |
Sponsored Training |
02 |
25 |
24 |
49 |
Vocational Training |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Total |
71 |
1621 |
560 |
2181 |
2. Frontline demonstrations
Enterprise |
No. of Farmers |
Area(ha) |
Units/Animals |
Oilseeds |
75 |
30 |
00 |
Pulses |
60 |
24 |
00 |
Cereals |
30 |
12 |
00 |
Vegetables |
10 |
04 |
00 |
Other crops |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Hybrid crops |
00 |
00 |
00 |
Total |
175 |
140 |
00 |
Livestock & Fisheries |
105 |
26.5 |
70 |
Other enterprises |
05 |
00 |
05 |
Total |
110 |
26.5 |
75 |
Grand Total |
285 |
166.5 |
75 |
3. Technology Assessment & Refinement
Category |
No. of Technology Assessed & Refined |
No. of Trials |
No. of Farmers |
Technology Assessed |
Crops |
5 |
32 |
32 |
Livestock |
1 |
10 |
10 |
Various enterprises |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
6 |
42 |
42 |
Technology Refined |
Crops |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Livestock |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Various enterprises |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Grand Total |
6 |
42 |
42 |
4. Extension Programmes
Category |
No. of Programmes |
Total Participants |
Extension activities |
386 |
16983 |
Other extension activities |
192 |
- |
Total |
478 |
16983 |
5. Mobile Advisory Services
Name of KVK |
Message Type |
Type of Messages |
Crop |
Livestock |
Weather |
Marketing |
Awareness |
Other enterprise |
Total |
Anand |
Text only |
4 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
16 |
Voice only |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Voice & Text both |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total Messages |
4 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
16 |
Total farmers Benefitted |
85758 |
22470 |
0 |
69618 |
26212 |
17551 |
221609 |
6. Seed & Planting Material Production
Quintal/Number |
Value Rs. |
Seed (q) |
75.60 |
240271 |
Planting material (No.) |
00 |
00 |
Bio-Products (kg) |
00 |
00 |
Livestock Production (No.) |
00 |
00 |
Fishery production (No.) |
00 |
00 |
7. Soil, water & plant Analysis
Samples |
No. of Beneficiaries |
Value Rs. |
Soil |
00 |
00 |
Water |
12 |
00 |
Plant |
00 |
00 |
Total |
12 |
00 |
8. HRD and Publications
Sr. No. |
Category |
Number |
1 |
Trainings for KVK officials |
02 |
2 |
Visits of KVK officials |
04 |
3 |
Training Manual |
04 |
4 |
Research papers |
02 |
5 |
Extension Folder |
01 |
Success Stories of KVK, AAU, Anand
Year 2021-22
Success stories of 110 Doubling Farming Income (DFI) Farmers of the District.
Anand DFI 110 ICAR book
Year 2020-21
1. Case Study on ARYA enterprise
1. Title of case study: Establishment of Fish seed rearing unit
2. Background of farmer/group:
Name: Mr. Prakash Talpada
Village: Jalsan, Ta. Petlad, Dist. Anand, Gujarat
3. Vulnerability:
4. Need/ Problems identified:
5. Technological intervention in brief:
6. Efforts made by KVK/ methodology followed:
7. Output, outcome and impact:
After 90 days of rearing period, he successfully harvested fingerlings with less mortality of seeds.
Cost of cultivation (Rs/ha) |
20000/- |
Production (fingerlings/ha) |
78000 |
Total income (Rs/ha) |
80000 |
Net Profit (Rs/ha) |
60000 |
Other fish farmers of near villages have brought Fingerlings. Besides, he has kept some fingerlings in the pond to produce marketable size fish for gaining extra money in the year. he has its own nets for harvesting and transport facilities. Therefore, he can easily sell fishes in the near markets.
2. Case studies under NARI Programme of KVK
Theme |
Small scale income generation |
Kitchen garden |
Introduction |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, AAU, Devataj is working for farming community since from 1986. The major emphasis was given on income generation for farm women. Regular contacts and some informal surveys by the KVK inferred that the nutrition of farm women and children was not up-to the standard. Moreover, malnourished conditions were observed especially in women and children. Considering these facts, KVK have decided to intervene in this matter through establishing Kitchen Gardens. Because, continuous supply of fresh vegetables, all the year round, can be accomplished to a great extent by growing vegetables in a kitchen garden. As food is incomplete without vegetables as these are the major source of nutritional vitamins and minerals required by human body besides being rich source of carbohydrates and protein, Kendra systematically planned and implemented the program by providing vegetable seeds. These seeds are given to one of the farm women Mrs. Rituben Patel of village Valasan Taluka Anand Dist. Anand (Gujarat). Furthermore, training also given on various aspects of kitchen gardening. Farmers from nearby villages are inspired by the activity of Mrs. Rituben Patel and thinking of starting kitchen garden on their home or farm. Economically, she got good returns from small investments that inspire other farmwoman. |
KVK intervention |
Programme Asst. (Home Sci.) of KVK Devataj then decided to organize training programme on Kitchen garden in which farmers learn about for importance of Kitchen gardening and how to prepare layout protect from monkey damages for seasonal vegetables. With the advice of Programme Asst. (Home Sci.) and she decided to establish kitchen garden near her house and then she become the source of inspiration for many farmwomen in his area. |
Output |
Residue free seasonal vegetables for family members |
Outcome |
Save expenditure on vegetables and safe for family members |
Impact |
Balance diet for the family, savings on purchasing the vegetables, chemical free, healthy and fresh vegetables in regular diet, Promoting appropriate diets and healthy lifestyles, reducing malnutrition, and promoting nutritional well being for all. |
Year 2019-20
Success Story of Pulses 2019
Green gram- KVK, Anand
Name of farmer & Address |
Mr. Ketanbhai Patel, At & Po: Bhalej, Ta: Umreth, Anand (Gujarat) |
Title of Intervention |
Improved Production technology for Summer greengram |
Variety |
Green gram ( Var. GAM- 5) |
Details of technology demonstrated |
Institutional Involvement |
Success Point |
Farmer Feedback |
Yield (q/ha) |
Demonstration |
14.4 |
Potential yield of variety/technology |
20.0 |
District average |
5.10 |
State average |
5.20 |
Performance of technology vis-à-vis Local check (Increase in productivity and returns)
Practice used |
Yield (q/ha) |
Gross cost (Rs/ha) |
Gross income(Rs/ha) |
Net income(Rs/ha) |
B:C ratio |
Farmer practices |
10.2 |
17200 |
56100 |
38900 |
3.26 |
Demonstration |
14.4 |
19500 |
79200 |
59700 |
4.06 |
% Increase |
41.2% |
-- |
-- |
53.47% |
-- |
Year 2018-19
: Success story:
1. Scientific farming of Castor
Name of KVK |
Anand (Gujarat) |
Crop and Variety |
Castor ( Var. GCH-7) |
Name of farmer & Address |
Mr. Rajendrasinh Manubhai Raol, At & Po: Untwada, Ta: Tarapur, Anand (Gujarat) |
Details of technology demonstrated |
Institutional Involvement |
Success Point |
Farmer Feedback |
Yield (q/ha) |
Demonstration |
24.00 |
Potential yield of variety/technology |
30.00 |
District average |
20.55 |
State average |
19.79 |
Practice used |
Yield (q/ha) |
Gross cost (Rs/ha) |
Gross income (Rs/ha) |
Net income (Rs/ha) |
B:C ratio |
Farmer practices |
18.4 |
32750/- |
1,01,200/- |
68450/- |
3.09 |
Demonstration |
21.6 |
36240/- |
1,18,800/- |
82560/- |
3.28 |
% Increase |
17.39% |
20.61% |
2. Fish production through Cage culture in village pond
Name of Farmer: Mr. Ashraf Memon
Address : PO- Anand, Block- Anand, Dist. - Anand, Gujarat
Contact no. : +91 9825360472
Education : 10th Pass
Experience : 15 years
1. Background
Mr. Ashraf Memon, PO- Anand, Block- Anand, Dist.- Anand is a fish farmer since 15 years and he got village pond for fish culture on lease basis from Fisheries Department, Government of Gujarat, Anand. Previously, he had used to stock pangasius with carps in village pond. He was facing difficulties in harvesting fish from his village pond, as the pond is quite deep so the production level was limited at that time.
2. Plan, Implement and Support:
He wanted to adopt new technology for fish farming. Simultaneously he regularly attended various trainings, farmer- scientist interaction programmes and other extension activities organized by KVK, CIFA-Anand and state fisheries department. From there, he came to know about cage culture. So, to come out from his difficulty in village pond culture, he initiated floating cage culture practice in his village pond. Initially He got one cage from state fisheries department scheme and later he added two more cages. So in the year of 2016, he started pangasius culture in three cages which are made of monofilament nets, sealed PVC drums and bamboos, each of having dimension of 6.0 m x 4.0 m x 4.0 m.
First year, He stocked 3500 pangasius seeds of 3 to 5 inches size. Fishes were fed floating feed twice as morning and evening hours. Sampling and other operations were carried out to check growth and disease. He simultaneously used medicines and water treatment to maintain healthy pond environment.
After the 300 days of culture period, he found very less mortality. So far, he has successfully harvested three crops from cage culture. Every year he used to increase fish stocking density and ultimately increase the production and profit level.
Cage culture production & output for last three years (per one cage)
Details |
2016-17 |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
Cage cost (`) |
1,50,000 |
- |
- |
Total operational cost (`) |
2,11,700 |
2,42,500 |
2,73,333 |
Total income (`) |
3,25,000 |
3,71,000 |
4,20,000 |
Total production (kg) |
3,250 |
3,710 |
4200 |
Net income (`) |
1,13,300 |
1,28,500 |
1,46,667 |
He earns about ` 4.00 lakh annually from cage culture. While describing in details about his earnings, he can sell 30 kg fish/day after 250 days of culture. He sells the live fish as well as dead fish to local buyers & whole sellers at the rate of ` 80-120/kg. In addition to this, he has continued the pond culture of pangasius. So he is getting extra profit from the village pond too. He also enumerates the advantages of cage culture like easy installation, better control of fish population, effective use of fish feed, in emergencies it can be removed from one place to another, simple harvesting and it helps to maintain the non-seasonal supply of fish.
He has inspired few of fish farmers to start the cage culture in village pond. He felt that due to his success in this venture, the respect and recognition enhanced within and outside the district. He is confident that he can mobilize more and more farmers in Anand and nearby districts for starting cage culture. Mr. Ashrafbhai is feeling happy that more than money, he got a lot of opportunities to interact with people from various districts and states, respect and recognition within and outside the state. The fish farming especially cage culture has given him empowerment, enhanced his self-image & confidence and economic sustainability.
Mr. Ashraf Memon proudly says that earlier I used to visit KVK, fisheries department; CIFA etc to learn about better fish farming technologies but now many officials from state and district, scientists, farmers, students are visiting my farm across the state to see my cage culture unit and learn from me. Now he is a president of Anand district fish development Co-operative Society Ltd. He is the first fish farmer who has successfully initiated cage culture practice in Anand district and it has positive impact on the other fish farmers of the district. Mr. Ashraf Memon is a role model for the entire fish farmer community of the middle Gujarat and Gujarat state as well.
Year 2017-18
Title: Scientific livestock farming – a way of doubling dairy farmers’ income
The Broad outline for the case study
Use of scientific livestock farming is still not practice by many farmers of our country. By this most of the farmers are not getting economic returns as expected. Present success story of the progressive livestock farmer Mr. Jayeshbhai Shambhubhai Patel will inspire many farmers to take scientific methods and low cost techniques of livestock farming which will boost up their economic condition.
Mr. Jayeshbhai Shambhubhai Patel is a livestock farmer of village Jharola of Anand district. He possesses 10 Holstein Friesian Cows. Earlier he used to do traditional methods of animal husbandry. Later on he came in contact with Anand Agricultural University, Anand. One day during on campus training at KVK, AAU, Anand, he discussed his desired to maintained constant milk yield throughout the lactation and gain maximum economic returns for his animals with KVK Scientist.
Scientist of KVK, Anand discussed with him in detailed about his present practices and suggested him to follow the scientific livestock farming such as use of precised nutrients through concentrate feeding and silage feeding, parasitic control, use of mineral mixture and salt, cooling fan and fogger system in cattle shed, dry bedding for cows, 24 hrs water availability, separate calf rearing unit, regular vaccination, use of chaff cutter, clean milk production through milking machine, maintain register etc. He convinced the farmer that nutrition of animals is of paramount importance in dairy animals as production is depends on the amount of nutrient available to the animals. Therefore, Scientist advised him to change the feeding regimen and suggested him to make use of bypass fat (bypass nutrient technology) in concentrate mixture. In general animals are under negative energy balance and need bypass feeding. Scientist also suggested to go for fodder production as Mr. Jayeshbhai have some land near his cattle shed. Fodder production near the cattle farm will give green fodder throughout the year for his animals and he can also gain some money by sale of green fodder in local market. Scientist also suggested a process of mixing of chaffed green fodder and dry fodder and sprinkling some water over it to which 50 gm salt and 30 gm mixture to be added. This mixture is relished by animals and there is no wastage of roughages. KVK also provided him seeds of COFS-29 variety of forage sorghum under front line demonstrations.
The effect of feeding bypass fat is gradual and after about a month or so, the milk production from his animals increased steadily. Now he is using bypass fat technology regularly to all his animals. This intervention improved his economic condition. He also encourages livestock farmers of nearby villages to go for scientific livestock farming as suggested by Scientist of Anand Agricultural University, Anand. Thus, he is spreading newer technologies of animal husbandry to other farmers. The use of various techniques in livestock farming fetched him various awards such as taluk level ATMA Best livestock farmer award, Sardar Patel Award (Livestock farmer) and recently best ATMA State level Best Farmer award (Livestock) by Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat for year 2017-18.
Average expenditure per cow during last three year was Rs. 55,000/- and realizable returns from sale of milk, male calf, green fodder, cow dung etc. along with bonus from dairy co-operatives was Rs.1,20,000/- which is far better than earlier returns. By deducting the expenditure incurred per cow net return stand to the tune of Rs. 65,000/- per cow. Such type of economic welfare of farmers will be possible by using scientific technologies in animal husbandry sector. Therefore, doubling the farmers’ income is possible by using such type of interventions in livestock farming.
Name |
: |
Mr. Jayeshbhai Shambhubhai Patel |
Village |
: |
Jharola |
Taluka |
: |
Borsad |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
48 |
Qualification |
: |
12th Pass |
Land |
: |
12 Acre |
Mobile No. |
: |
09913562031 |
Title: Cultivation of paddy through Mechanical transplanting
The Broad outline for the case study
With the use of mechanical transplanting he solved the major issue of unavailability of labour without affecting crop production by reducing the cost of labour as well as water, also get more tillering, long penicle with more grains. With Mechanical transplanting he got higher production (8000 kg/ha) with low cost of cultivation (var. GAR-13).
Amitbhai Premsukhbhai Patel from Palol village of Sojitra taluka in Anand district. He had 2.0 ha of land with irrigation facility. He had started service after completion of diploma in Refrigeration and Air conditioning. In 2005 he had left the service and started farming. During the initial stage less production of paddy as well as income from the total area due to lack of knowledge in agriculture. The average production of paddy in village was 3200 kg/ha and maximum 5200 kg/ha.
He started to visit Krishi Vigyan Kendra, AAU, Devataj and interact with Scientist (Agronomy) for getting more production in paddy. Under the guidance of the Scientist of KVK, he had started to cultivate the paddy crop with university recommended variety and cultivation practices. Then after, he get 1st time maximum production of paddy 4800 kg /ha. He was participating in different farmers training organized by KVK and University, also visited to innovative farmers field for more knowledge about cultivation practices. From KVK, Devataj he came into knowledge and get the training for SRI (Systemic Rice Intensification) method during 2009-10 and he started to grow the seedlings of paddy. He gets higher production of paddy 6000 kg /ha by SRI method in comparison with farmers practices (5200 kg/ha) but transplanting of paddy was difficult for labour in SRI due to 14 days old seedlings. So he decided transplanting the paddy through paddy transplanter and reduce the labour cost and time, also he maintain the uniform plant population (33-35 seedlings/m2) in field.
He raised the seedlings with plastic met method (9” x12” square size) and transplanted the paddy more quickly and uniform with the use of transplanter. Thus, by the use of transplanter reduce the cost of labour as well as use of water and get more tillering, long penicle with more grains. He got more production (8000 kg/ha) with mechanical transplanting by reducing the cost of cultivation (var. GAR-13).
Front line demonstration were demonstrated with Mechanical transplanting on 15 farmers’ field of Sojitra taluka by KVK, AAU, Devataj. By seeing the benefits in production through mechanical transplanting, other farmers were motivated to do the mechanical transplanting in field.
Horizontal Spread
Through Mechanical transplanting he was planted estimated 100 hector of area and earned more income. With the use of mechanical transplanting he solved the major issue of unavailability of labour with more crop production.
Economic gains
Per hectare Area Information |
Year |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
Crop |
Paddy |
Cost of cultivation (Rs.) |
22200 |
24600 |
25427 |
Production (kg.) |
6720 |
7440 |
8000 |
Selling price (Rs./ kg) |
13.00/- |
13.50/- |
13.00/- |
Income of paddy seed |
87,360 / - |
1, 00, 440 / - |
87, 360 |
Income of paddy straw |
10, 000 / - |
13, 000 / - |
16, 200 / - |
Total income |
97, 360 / - |
1, 13, 440 / - |
1, 36, 200 / - |
Net profit |
75, 160 / - |
88, 840 / - |
1, 10, 773 / - |
Year 2016-17
Name |
: |
Mrs. Sagunaben Dipakbhai Patel |
Village |
: |
Israma |
Taluka |
: |
Petlad |
District |
: |
Anand |
State |
: |
Gujarat |
Age |
: |
37 years |
Qualification |
: |
Mobile No. |
: |
9328951994 |
3. Background:
It is not possible to fulfill the family requirement from the small land holding with traditional farming. This problem was raised by Mrs. Sagunaben during on campus training of Horticulture at KVK Devataj. She is very hard working woman. She consulted Scientist (Horticulture) and got information regarding Green house and net house and she decided to do farming with this modern technology and doubling farm income.
4. Innovations details and efforts of KVK:
Initially she started cultivation of Capsicum in net house of 10 guntha area in which drip irrigation with mulching like modern technology was also used. Besides that, in fallow land she started growing seedlings in plastic tray filled with cocopeat and perlite like media in small scale. After getting success, she took this to large scale next year as business to raise the seedlings of vegetables in plug trays for farmers of surrounding villages at the rate of Rs. 0.40 per plant. She realized good income source from this business and established green house in 10 guntha and net house in 40 guntha area and started raising seedlings and cultivation of colour capsicum and cucumber. She got good return by obtaining more production with good quality. They lived in joint family and all the members contribute in the farm activities that saved the labour cost and increased the net profit.
Vegetable seedlings raised in Net house
Details |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
Seedlings raised (nos.) |
750000 |
1000000 |
1800000 |
Rate of raising seedling (Rs/no.) |
0.40 |
0.40 |
0.40 |
Expenditure (Rs.) |
170000 |
95000 |
130000 |
Total income (Rs.) |
300000 |
400000 |
720000 |
Net profit (Rs.) |
130000 |
305000 |
590000 |
Cultivation of colour capsicum chilli and cucumber
Details |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
Area (net house) |
10 guntha |
40 guntha |
40 guntha |
Crop |
Chilli |
Chilli |
cucumber |
Expenditure (Rs.) |
9000 |
42000 |
79000 |
Yield (kg) |
6050 |
35000 |
26000 |
Total income (Rs.) |
30000 |
210000 |
190000 |
Net profit (Rs.) |
21000 |
168000 |
111000 |
5. Impact of the innovation of farmers:
Farmers from nearby villages are inspired by the activity of Mrs. Sagunaben and thinking of starting such business on their farm. Economically, she got good returns from small investments that inspire other farmwoman.
Year 2014-15
Title: Integration of Water Chestnut with fish culture
Mr. Maheshbhai Talpada is an agriculture farmer of village Devataj, Ta. Sojitra, Dist. Anand. Apart from agriculture he has interest in fish farming. So he has taken 1 ha of pond in lease basis given by Gram Panchayat located near to his own land. Earlier he used to grow water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa) which has natural adaptability to grow under stagnated water such as pond. But he had not satisfied with production & yield of water chestnut and wanted to do fish culture in his pond. So he consulted with fisheries scientist at KVK, Devataj and discussed his problem. He was also trained on Composite fish culture in village pond at KVK. SMS of Fisheries of KVK, Devataj discussed with him in detailed and guided him to do scientific aquaculture. Then KVK decided to give FLD in his pond.
Indian Major Carp (Catla, Rohu and Mrigal) Fry were stocked 2,00,000 per ha in 2013. He continued nursery of water chestnut in ¾ part of his pond and remaining part is used for fish feeding. Pond is perennial and also connected with canal. So after completion of chestnut crop, he regularly exchanged water to maintain water level & growth of fish. After intervention, his net income was increased than the earlier.
Water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa.) is floating annual aquatic plants, growing in slow-moving water up to 5 meters deep and bears a rough, thick skinned, not a good looking fruit that has a single, large, white colored seed, inside. The plant is grown in ponds, marshes and seasonal and perennial lakes in India. The upper leaves float on the surface of the water while the lower ones remain submerged just beneath the water surface giving a mat like appearance to the water surface.
In India the plant has different regional names, such as singhada (Hindi: सिंघाडा), pani-fal (Hindi: पानीफल) and shingoda (Gujarati:શિંગોડા). In Anand District, there are many farmers who engaged in Water chestnut cultivation in smaller ponds. They plant the seedling during August-September and after 2- 3 months seed/nut is obtained. The nuts can be eaten raw sometimes or boiled as it is done most of the time. The seed coat of the raw singhara is difficult to remove with the fingers. It can be either removed by slicing it into two pieces or by boiling the fruit which makes the seed coat soft enough to remove it by hand. The seed coat colors the hands black when one handles the fruit. Selling price of raw and boiled singhara is 20-25 Rs/kg and 40-50 Rs/kg respectively. Singhara flour is used in many religious festivals like Navratri etc and consumed during the days of fasting by devotees.
From August 2013 to November 2013, he yielded about 6 tonnes/ha of Singhara and harvested 3300 kg/ha fish.This type of integrated fish farming is feasible, economical and one can earn about Rs. 40,000 from selling of Singhara and 70,000 from Fish.
Water chestnut |
Fish culture |
Cost of cultivation (Rs / crop) |
: |
49000 |
94280 |
Yield (kg/ha/crop) |
: |
6000 |
3360 |
Gross Income (Rs / crop) |
: |
90000 |
168000 |
Net return (Rs / crop) |
: |
41000 |
73720 |
Title: Empowerment of fish farmers and Entrepreneurship development
Name |
: |
Mr. Ravjibhai Shanabhai Talpada |
Village |
: |
Devataj |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
36 years |
Qualification |
: |
Mobile No. |
: |
9925903217 |
Background and Interventions
Earlier Talpada Ravjibhai Sanabhai and his friends of Devataj village were working as field labour on daily wages thus their income was low. During on campus training at KVK Devataj by Scientist (Fisheries), they came and actively participated in training on Composite fish culture. After training they had decided to take on lease Devataj village pond from Fishery Department, Anand through tender. They proceed for tender and got village pond on lease of from Fishery Department, Anand for five year. They stock 70,000 fingerlings (60-80mm) of IMC with silver carp (500) under the guidance of Scientist (Fisheries). They have also prepared Pen culture at one pocket in pond and stocked 2000 yearling (above 100mm) under FLD programme on fishery of KVK. They used rice bran and Amul dan as feed in bag feeding method. After six month they harvested 10 tons of fish. They sold this harvest at Anand, Sojitra, Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Baroda and in local markets. After this they also got new ponds on lease and started fish seed rearing. Now they are self reliant in seed rearing and supply seeds to the other farmers also.
Impact: Yield of Fish: 10000 Kg/4 ha Price/kg: Rs. 45 to Rs.90
Income : Rs.7,10,500 Total Expenditure: 2,11,500
Net Income: 4, 99,000
Title: Value addition in flowers: A supportive business
Name |
: |
Mrs. Jashiben Ashokbhai Talpada |
Village |
: |
Devataj |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
32 years |
Qualification |
: |
Illiterate |
Mobile No. |
: |
9574143761 |
With a view to develop a source of income for landless and lower society males and females vocational training programmes being regularly organized at KVK, Devataj. SMS (Horti) had given training on value addition in flowers. The training on preparing products from flowrs like different types of Har, Gajara, Kalgi, Bouquet, Veni, Mandap decoration etc. was demonstrated.
Adoption: After getting training of value addition of flowers, Smt. Jashiben adopted it and purchased flowers from the nearby flower market or baroda market, she prepared Har, Gajara, Kalgi, Bouquet, Veni, Mandap decoration etc. from flowers sold it in the marriage programmes and holistic ceremonies and got good income. Now days, she got order for the decoration during festive seasons. All the members of her family encouraging her and now helping which save the labour cost thus increases the income.
Jashiben has no land so she has to work in th field. But now she get income at her home. Her neighbors viz. Savitaben Jayantibhai, Tiniben Shanabhai, Revaben Kabhaibhai and all surrounding women got inspired from her and started their own business.
Details of income-Expenditure in the flower’s product per order
flower’s product per order |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
600 |
2000 |
4000 |
(B) Material & transport charge (Rs) |
500 |
800 |
1500 |
Total Product cost (A+B) |
1100 |
2800 |
5500 |
Net Profit |
900 |
2200 |
4500 |
As per above, they got 25 to 30 orders from the surrounding villages for the amount of Rs. 2000 to 10,000 annually.
Details |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
26000 |
67500 |
Total Annual Income (Rs) |
47000 |
122000 |
Net Profit (Rs) |
21000 |
54500 |
Title: Bumper income from flower cultivation
Name |
: |
Mr. Gotabhai Somabhai Talpada |
Village |
: |
Devataj |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
45 years |
Land |
: |
2 vigha |
Qualification |
: |
Std. 5 |
Due to salty soil and water of Sojitra taluka of Anand district, mostly crop like wheat, paddy and tomato are grown. A farmer of Devataj
Mr. Gotabhai Somabhai Talpada got flower training from scientist (Horticulture) of KVK Devataj. After taking training he started the cultivation of flower crop.
Intervention and adoption
Mr. Gotabhai Somabhai Talpada got demonstration on flower crop Sevanti under National Horticulture Mission at KVK Devataj by scientist (Horticulture). During this training details information regarding scientific cultivation of Sevanti was given by KVK scientist. Under guidance of KVK scientist, Mr. Gotabhai does the cultivation of Sevanti and got more production and more profit. During this time a “Farmers Day” was also celebrated on his field by KVK. In this programme, village farmers were also present. They surprised to see the net profit from Sevanti cultivation and ready to adopt this.
Initially, Mr. Gotabhai used to go to Vadodara or Ahmadabad flower market for sale of his flowers. For requirement of flowering for any programme villagers have to go too far for purchase of flowers. They have to purchase more flowers at a time. Thus there is possibility of shrivel and spoiling of flowers. After a “Farmers Day” they got fresh flowers from Mr. Gotabhai at retail price as per requirement and also got relief from transportation charges. After watching the success of Mr. Gotabhai other farmers also started the cultivation of flower crops and getting more production and income. They are selling the flowers in group to flower merchant. Earlier, the farmers have to go to anand to get flower seedlings. But the seedlings like Marigold, Sevanti, and Gaillardia were raised in nursery at KVK Devataj and sold to the farmers at low cost. So they were not worried to go long distance to purchase flowers. This saves their expenditure and time.
Local |
Demonstration |
Production (Qtl./ha) |
122 |
147 |
Cost of cultivation (Rs/ha) |
42600 |
50719 |
Total income (Rs/ha) |
339275 |
410513 |
Net Profit (Rs/ha) |
296675 |
359793 |
Title: Cultivate New Variety of Wheat GW-366 for more yield
Name |
: |
Mr. Patel Prakahbhai Chaturbhai |
Village |
: |
Maghrol |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
32 |
Qualification |
: |
12th Pass |
Land |
: |
2.5 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
09904496588 |
During rainy season, wheat is the major crop in our area. Last year I got 3500 kg/ha of wheat. FLD of GW 366 given by Scientist (Agronomy) of KVK Devataj demonstrates 20-25% more yield. For this scientist advised to do scientific farming in wheat. Scientist at KVK Devataj gives guidance and information regarding this new variety during on campus as well as off campus training programme.
Earlier I do the traditional farming for wheat. But Scientist (Agronomy) of KVK Devataj convinced me to do scientific farming with basal fertilizer dose and automatic ploughing by use of tractor and use new variety GW-366. Due to this intervention more plant per unit and application of fertilizer at root of the plant gives 20-25% more yield of wheat.
During last year I got 3500kg/ha of wheat. But Scientist (Agronomy) of KVK Devataj advised me to use basal fertilizer dose and automatic ploughing by use of tractor along with scientific farming in new variety GW-366. Due to this I got 43400 kg/ha of wheat. Wheat is a major crop in our area. As my yield of wheat has been increased by 20-25%, other farmers of nearby villages also adopted this new variety.
Local |
Demonstration |
Yield (kg/ha) |
3500 |
4300 |
Total Income (Rs/ha) |
52500 |
64500 |
Expenditure (Rs/ha) |
28000 |
28000 |
Net income (Rs/ha) |
24500 |
36500 |
Title: Successful cultivation of Summer Mung (Meha)
Name |
: |
Mr. Indrakumar Ambalal Patel |
Village |
: |
Pansora |
Taluka |
: |
Umreth |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
57 |
Qualification |
: |
B. Com |
Land |
: |
1.5 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
09427041798 |
KVK, Devataj has distributed seeds of Summer Mung (Meha) on 50% subsidy under seed village scheme for FLD. He also attended training on scientific farming of Mung at KVK, Devataj. So instead of pearl Millet in summer, Mung Bean cultivation gave high yield and more profit.
He used to cultivate paddy as kharif, What as Rabi and Pearl Millet as summer crop. But KVK scientist explained him about principals of crop rotation and how to grow Pulse crop like Mung bean in summer season. The new variety of Mung bean called Meha which is resistant to Yellow Mosaic Virus was given in seed village scheme under Front Line Demonstration.
Earlier, he used to get 2800 kg/ha pearl Millet production in summer but Mung bean (Meha) production achieved 1000kg/ha which fetched 5 times more market price than pearl millet. So while looking to the farmer’s net income and improvement in soil fertility, other farmers also convinced to grow Mung bean and realized more net income.
Local (Pearl Millet) |
Demonstration (Mung Bean) |
Yield (kg/ha) |
2800 |
1000 |
Total Income (Rs/ha) |
47000 (35000 crop + 12000 straw) |
60000 (50000 crop + 10000 foliage) |
Expenditure (Rs/ha) |
27000 |
25000 |
Net income (Rs/ha) |
20000 |
35000 |
Title: Increase Production by adapting New Varity of Paddy GAR-13
Name |
: |
Mr. Manojbhai Punambhai Patel |
Village |
: |
Amaliyara |
Taluka |
: |
Tarapur |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
34 years |
Qualification |
: |
10th pass |
Land |
: |
10 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
09913353376 |
Earlier, He used to grow paddy with traditional method. But after came in contact with KVK scientists and adopted scientific farming of new variety of paddy GAR-13 which increased 22% of paddy production.
KVK, Devataj organized training of cultivation of paddy variety of GAR-13 and conducted demonstration through supply of seed as input. With the proper guidance of scientists, he found more production and income.
Before this, he used to get 4500 kg/ha production. After guidance of KVK scientist he got 5500kg/ha production with this new variety. Paddy is the main crop of this area. He found good profit. After looking this result, farmers in his vicinity also believed the advice of scientist and they adopted transplanting of paddy and this new variety which showed increase in production.
Local |
Demonstration |
Yield (kg/ha) |
4500 |
5500 |
Total Income (Rs/ha) |
61500 |
75000 |
Expenditure (Rs/ha) |
35000 |
37000 |
Net income (Rs/ha) |
28000 |
38000 |
Title: Increase Production through castor Varity - GCH-7
Name |
: |
Mr. Narndrabhai Ambalal Patel |
Village |
: |
Aashi |
Taluka |
: |
Petlad |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
41 years |
Qualification |
: |
B. Com |
Land |
: |
2.0 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
09725516911 |
Castor production of Anand district is very low. To increase the cropping area of castor, KVK demonstrated new variety of castor (GCH-7) at his farm. KVK also conducted training on scientific farming of castor. With the more visit and guidance of scientists, the production is increased up to 25% than the local verity.
Usually castor sowing is carried out during end of 15th August in middle Gujarat. But the soil of middle Gujarat contains more moisture therefore sowing of castor during this time resulted in increase in more height with low yield. So this farmer convinced to sow castor during middle of September and used integrated nutrient and water management as advised by Scientist of KVK. This resulted in reduced height of plant and about 25% more production of castor.
After observing the increased yield of castor and control over more crop height of castor, the farmers of nearby villages also adopted late sowing of castor for more production.
Local |
Demonstration |
Yield (kg/ha) |
2300 |
2850 |
Total Income (Rs/ha) |
86250 |
106875 |
Expenditure (Rs/ha) |
35500 |
35500 |
Net income (Rs/ha) |
50750 |
71375 |
Year - 2013-14
Title: Scientific farming of Banana
Name |
: |
Mr. Shashikantbhai Ambalal Patel |
Village |
: |
Agas |
Taluka |
: |
Petlad |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
55 years |
Qualification |
: |
B.E., B.Ed. |
Land |
: |
1 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
9925711567 |
![]() |
Banana is one of the high yielding long duration commercial fruit crop. Requirement of fertilizer and water is very high resulting in highest cost of cultivation than other crops. So it is very important to cultivate this crop with proper management. Most of the farmers of Petlad, Ankalav and Borsad Talukas of Anand district grow Banana crop. One of the farmers Mr. Shashikantbhai Ambalal Patel of village Agas growing banana regularly but not satisfied with yield. During on campus training at KVK Devataj he asks Subject Matter Specialist of Horticulture what to be done to increase production and quality of banana fruit.
Subject Matter Specialist of Horticulture at KVK Devataj suggested scientific cultivation of Banana crop. KVK also distributed micronutrient as a one of the component of FLD to the Banana growing farmers as FLD programme. Mr. Shashikantbhai Ambalal Patel of village Agas is one of the beneficiaries of the FLD. After intervention, he informed the subject matter specialist that Banana crop yield has been increased. He also informs us that he is taking it to the nearby market after grading and packaging for sale and also getting good economic returns as compared to earlier years. His net return was increased from Rs. 3,55,000 to Rs.4,97,000. He is now in constant touch with KVK for newer technologies.
Yield of Banana (q/ha) |
: |
780 |
Cost of cultivation (Rs/ha) |
: |
127000 |
Income (Rs/ha) |
: |
624000 |
Net return (Rs/ha) |
: |
497000 |
Nearby Market place |
: |
Anand and Petlad |
Title: Scientific farming of Tomato
Name |
: |
Mr. Amitbhai Premsukhbhai Patel |
Village |
: |
Palol |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
33 years |
Qualification |
: |
Diploma |
Land |
: |
5 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
9979079134 |
Mr. Amitbhai Premsukhbhai Patel is a farmer of Palol village of Sojitra taluka. He possesses 5 ha of land in which he grown different vegetables crops. He grown Tomato crop in 2 ha of land as traditional method. But the production as well as quality affect due to flood irrigation therefore fetched lower price. During field visit by Subject Matter Specialist Horticulture he asked what to be done to increase production and quality of Tomato fruit.
Subject Matter Specialist of Horticulture at KVK Devataj then decided to organize training programme on scientific cultivation of Tomato crop in which farmers learn about “Telephonic technology” for Tomato cultivation with all recommended cultural practices from seedling preparation to harvesting and post harvest technologies. With the advice of SMS Horticulture and he decided to cultivate Tomato by adopting Telephonic method of cultivation. He also carried out post harvest techniques like grading and packaging of his produce and he export his produce in Delhi Market and fetched very handsome income. This was turning point for him and now he always give very good response towards suggestions made by KVK regarding new technologies and he follows it. Now, he become the source of inspiration for many innovative farmers in his area.
Details |
: |
Telephonic Technique |
Local technique |
Yield of Tomato (q/ha) |
: |
360 |
296 |
Cost of cultivation (Rs/ha) |
: |
92000 |
46760 |
Income (Rs/ha) |
: |
540000 |
328612 |
Net return (Rs/ha) |
: |
352170 |
281852 |
Title: Chelated Mineral Mixture – Increases milk Production and Conception rate
Name |
: |
Mr. Sureshbhai Chandubhai Rathod |
Village |
: |
Maghrol |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
41 years |
Qualification |
: |
Mobile No. |
: |
09924346405 |
Background and Interventions
Most of the farmers use mineral mixture as a supplement for their livestock. They does not go in details such as type and contents in mineral mixture. One of the farmer Mr. Surehbhai Chandubhai Rathod of village Maghrol came to KVK Devataj and told his problem regarding low milk yield and delay conception in his animals. Subject Matter Specialist of Animal Science of KVK, Devataj got the history from this farmer regarding type of mineral mixture, any other supplementation used etc. After through consultation with other experts in this subject, subject expert suggested him to make use of Chelated mineral mixture. Under front line demonstration programme of KVK 3 kg of Chelated mineral mixture was provided to this farmer for about 3 months.
The effect of feeding chelated mineral mixture is gradual and after about a month or so, the milk production from problematic animals increased from 7.0 to 7.5 litre per day. Thus increasing at least 500 ml/d milk per animal. The farmer is very happy and called the Subject Matter Specialist of Animal Science at KVK Devataj and thanks him for the intervention. Now he is using Chelated mineral mixture regularly to all his animals. This intervention improved his economic condition. As at least, 500 ml/d milk per animal yield is increased after intervention. This suggestive of monthly income increased by Rs. 450 per animals considering the price of milk Rs. 30/litre. Other positive benefit of feeding chelated mineral mixture is that his animal was conceived 7 day earlier before using chelated mineral mixture saving his money on feeding and other managemental expenses.
Title: Bypass fat – a boon to dairy animals
Name |
: |
Mr. Girishbhai Ambalal Patel |
Village |
: |
Valasan |
Taluka |
: |
Anand |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
52 years |
Qualification |
: |
Diploma in M. E. |
Mobile No. |
: |
9979856130 |
Background and Interventions
During parturition animals goes under various stresses which hampers its production potential. Therefore animals should be given quality supplements. Mr. Girishbhai Ambalal Patel of village Valasan is the livestock farmer. He possesses three buffalos which yield milk in range of 6-8 litre/day with fat percent of 4.5. Sometime during unavailability of green forages milk production goes down. One day during on campus training at KVK, Devataj, he discussed his problem with subject matter specialist of Animal Science. Subject Matter Specialist of Animal Science of KVK, Devataj discussed with him in detailed and hypothesized that this might be the case of negative energy balance as all the things as discussed by farmers seems normal. Nutrition of animals is of paramount importance in dairy animals as production is depends on the amount of nutrient available to the animals. Therefore, subject expert advised him to feed bypass fat in concentrate mixture to his animals. Under farms testing programme of KVK 18 kg of bypass fat is provided to this farmer for about 3 months.
The effect of feeding bypass fat is gradual and after about a month or so, the milk production from problematic animal increased from 6-8 to 8-8.5 litre per day. The farmer is very happy and called the Subject Matter Specialist of Animal Science at KVK Devataj and told regarding benefit of the interventions. Now he is using bypass fat daily to all his animals. This intervention improved his economic condition. As at least, 1-1.5 litre per day milk yield is increased after intervention. This suggestive of the daily income of Rs. 30-45/- considering the price of milk Rs. 30/litre. By this, monthly income goes to Rs. 7425/- from meager Rs. 6500/- before intervention.
Title: Nonchemical Control of Pod Borer (Heliothis armigera) in Chick Pea
Name of farmer |
: |
Shri. Gotabhai Babubhai Parmar |
Name of Village |
: |
Moraj. Ta. Tarapur, Dist. Anand |
Land |
: |
3.37 acre |
Age: |
: |
59 years |
Education: |
: |
F.Y.B.Com |
Mobile No |
: |
9913979649 |
Pod borer is major pest of chickpea which reduces net profit and yields of chickpea drastically. Farmers of Tarapur taluka are growing chick pea without any plant protection measures. The damage caused by pod borer was recorded up to 20-25% of total production. The farmers were growing chickpea crop as per traditional method i.e. without any plant protection measures for pod borer. During on campus training, one of the farmer Shri. Gotabhai B. Parmar raised the query regarding the attach of pod borer and inquire about the protection measures from subject expert of Plant Protection of KVK,Devataj.
Subject expert suggested him regarding the Pheromone traps as control measures of pod borer. Further KVK decided to provide FLDs on installation of pheromone traps and use Heli Lure for the trapping of pod borer male moth on the basis of recommendation of Anand Agricultural University. After interventions, Net return increased to `. 41500 from ` 32250 per year. From the result of this, farmers of Tarapur taluka are agreed to use pheromone traps for chickpea in their fields also.
Local |
Demo |
Cost of cultivation (Rs/ Year) |
: |
16750 |
18000 |
Yield (kg/ha/crop) |
: |
1400 |
1700 |
Gross Income (Rs/ Year) |
: |
49000 |
59500 |
Net return (Rs/ Year) |
: |
32250 |
41500 |
Title: Mealybug control in Bt. cotton
Name |
: |
Mr. Patel Rameshbhai Parhottambhai |
Village |
: |
Israma |
Taluka |
: |
Petlad |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
65 years |
Qualification |
: |
12th Pass |
Land |
: |
2.5 ha |
Mobile No. |
: |
09601693874 |
Training regarding pest and disease control in Bt. Cotton was given by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Devataj. In Front Line Demonstration for Mealybug control in cotton Methyl Parathion 2% dust and profenophos insecticides were given. By use of these insecticide yield of cotton and income was increased.
Earlier, this farmer was not using any control measure for the control of mealybug in cotton. So, due to this less production as obtained. Therefore the guidance for control of insect was provided by the Scientist (Plant Protection) of KVK, Devataj. Also the insecticides viz. Methyl parathion 2% dust and profenophos were given to the farmer as a part of Front Line Demonstration for the control of mealybug in his field. By the use of this the incidence by mealybug was controlled and production increased giving more yield.
In Bt. Cotton as per cultivation by farmers practice 3500 kg production was obtained. However, due to intervention by the Scientist (Plant Protection) of KVK, Devataj yield of Bt. Cotton rose to 4188 kg. This intervention increased the yield as well as net profit of the farmer. So other farmers also adopted this method as advised by KVK scientist.
Local |
Demonstration |
Yield (kg/ha) |
3500 |
4188 |
Total Income (Rs/ha) |
140000 |
170080 |
Expenditure (Rs/ha) |
45000 |
50000 |
Net Profit (Rs/ha) |
95000 |
120000 |
Year - 2010-11
Title: Fish Seed Rearing in Village Pond through ‘Pen Culture’
Name |
: |
Mr. Sikandarbhai Abdulbhai Vohra |
Village |
: |
Palol |
Taluka |
: |
Sojitra |
District |
: |
Anand |
Age |
: |
55 years |
Qualification |
: |
Mobile No. |
: |
09727948856 |
Background and Interventions
Mr. Sikandarbhai Abdulbhai Vohra is a fish farmer since 25 year and he get 5 village ponds for fish culture on leased from Fisheries Department, Government of Gujarat, Anand. Every year he brought fish fingerlings from the out state (West Bengal) as well as Fisheries Department and stocked into their village ponds. He has no nursery ponds and that is why he has to depend on other for fish fingerling. He visited the KVK, A.A.U., Devataj and asked their problem, KVK scientist (Fisheries) had visited the Palol village pond and advised him to utilized village pond pocket by one side covering the bamboo and net (4-5 mm) to form nearly 0.3 ha ‘Pen’. He agreed and erected the ‘Pen’ in village pond. 2 lacs spawn (6-7mm) were stock in Pen culture. He removed the wild cat fish, aquatic insect and aquatic weed from ‘Pen’, also applied lime @ 250 kg/ha and fertilized by cow dung plus single super phosphate which induced the primary production i.e. planktons and developed the natural food chain for fish spawn. KVK gave FLD on spawn to fry rearing, 2 lacs Mrigal spawn (6-7 mm) to stock in Pen culture. He fed spawn with 1:1 rice bran and mustard oil cake @ 2 kg/day for first six days and there after 4 kg/day for next seven days and also added the mineral mixture as suggested by KVK Scientist. Sampling and other operations were carried out under the guidance of KVK Scientist. After 20 days he got 62% survival rate and expenditure was Rs. 24000/-. Every year he used to purchase Fry/Fingerling of Rs 70,000/-. 1,24,000 fry (25-30mm) produced from their own ‘Pen’, which were stocked in the same village pond to save expenditure of fish fry Rs 31,000/- (@ Rs 0.25/fry ). He became self-reliant for fish seed rearing in village pond through ‘Pen culture’. Other farmers also adopted this technique and getting good results.
This technique does not require nursery ponds so it can save the lease amount, transportation expenditure of fish fry and cost of nursery rearing as well. This technique requires bamboo and net which is easily available and inexpensive. Same pond can be used for rearing of spawn to fry which can increase the survival rate.
Title: Impact of Training and FLD on Fishery
Ravjibhai Sanabhai Talpada (9925903217), Sambhubhai Mangabhai Talpada, Mohanbhai Sanabhai Talpada and Sunilbhai Mafatbhai Talpada of Devataj village were unemployed and accomplish their lives by farm labour. But it was not enough money for their family expenditure. They visited the KVK, A.A.U., Devataj and asked their problem, in the meantime training on “composite fish culture” was organized at KVK Devataj during July 09. Talapda Ravjibhai Sanabhai (9925903217) and his friends of Devataj village had actively participated in training on “composite fish culture”.
After training Ravjibhai Sanabhai Talpada, Sambhubhai Mangabhai Talpada, Mohanbhai Sanabhai Talpada and Sunilbhai Mafatbhai Talpada had decided to acquire Devataj village pond for fish culture, earlier this village pond (4ha.) was leased by outsider for fishery. They came to KVK and took guidance from SMS Fishery and they proceed for tender and get village pond on five year lease of Rs. 75,789 per year from Fishery Department, Government of Gujarat, Anand.
They prepared village pond for fish culture by removing the wild cat fish and aquatic weed. During August-September 09 they stock 70,000 fingerlings (60-80mm) of Catla, Rohu, Mrigal (Indian Major Carp) with silver carp (500 nos). Under the guidance of SMS (Fishery), they have also prepared Pen culture at one pocket in village pond. KVK had given FLD on fishery of 2000 IMC yearling (above 100mm) to stock in Pen culture. Partial netting, feeding and sampling and other operations were carried out under the guidance of KVK.
They need one boat for netting, sampling, feeding etc. So they came to KVK with their problem. KVK assist them by recommended to Fisheries department for allotment of boat under the subsidy scheme and they had purchased a boat of Rs 3500 under the scheme.
This year (2010-11), KVK has suggested them to rear fry to Advance fingerling close to village pond as a result, they leased private nursery and rearing ponds (nearby village tank), filled with village pond water, Liming the ponds @ 250kg/ha and fertilized by cow dung + single super phosphate also applied IBNM to nursery ponds (3-10, July 2010) these induced the primary production (Planktons) and developed the natural food chain in ponds. They purchased fry of IMC (Catla, Rohu & Mrigal), Dogla (Hybrid of catla and rohu) and Bighead carp, 85,000(12 July 10), 1,10,000 (20, August 10) and 4000 (21, August 10) respectively from West Bengal and stocked in to five rearing ponds. They gave feed (Rice bran + Amuldan + Minerals) to fry @ 8-10 % body weight, sampling and thinning were carried out to collect the above 100 mm fish fingerlings which were stocked in to village pond as per KVK guideline. Nearly 75,000 fish fingerling stocked in to village pond at present, which create them self-reliant in fish seed production and sale of excess fish seed to compensate the fish rearing expenditure. Also found high survival rate (95%) during stocking and rearing in village pond. KVK has given FLD on fishery of 2500 Grass carp fingerling (60-80mm) to stock in village tank.
At present, 60 kg per day feed has been applied to village tank and 1 ton cow dung per month applied to village tank to maintain the primary production (food chain). Partial harvesting has been carried out monthly (Sep-10 to March-11) to harvest wild fish (sukan) and cat fish (magur, doch, chhotiya etc).
Rearing of fish seed (Fry to fingerling and yearling) in nursery ponds
Composite fish culture in village pond and Pen culture.
Bag Feeding of rice bran, kitchen waste and AmulDan
Partial netting in every month and harvesting of wild fishes as Sukan (Dry)
Year 2009-10
Yield of Fish: 10700 Kg/4 ha Price (65 kg): Rs. 45 to Rs.90
Income : Rs.7,10,500 Total Expenditure: 2,11,500
Net Income: 4, 99,000
Market place: Anand, Sojitra, Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Baroda & Retial
Title: Income from rearing of fry to fingerling:
75,000 Advance fingerlings produced from their own nursery were stocked in village tank (Rs 75,000/-) & remaining 15,000 Fingerlings were sold @ Rs 1.
From village tank, 600 kg of Bighead carp sold Rs 36,000/- (@ Rs 60 per kg) during partial harvesting up to March-11
Final harvesting is awaited (June-11)
Social benefits: Socio-economic condition of all four friends improved. They are now willing to form cooperative society for other member of their cast for getting more benefits from fishery entrepreneur.
Year - 2009-10
Title: Impact of Training and FLD on Green Manuring in Paddy
Patel Manubhai Ravjibhai (9879338818) is a farmer of Magharol village, Ta: Sojitra, Dist: Anand. He posses 2.5 ha land, out of that 1.0 ha. land was salt affected since 5 to 7 years. He tried to grow paddy crop but due to salt most of the plants of paddy crop grown were turn to red color and ultimately dried which resulted in low yield. The cultivation of paddy crop in such salty soil was very expensive and he couldn’t get any benefit from such land.
He had participated in the training programme on Integrated Nutrient Management in Paddy of soil science held at KVK Devataj during May 09. During the training he described his problem about his soil and poor yield of paddy crop. Green manuring of Dhanchia is beneficial in such salt affected soil advised by SMS.
SMS (soil science) had visited his field and provided 15kg of dhanchia seed for the demonstration of 0.5 ha land under FLD. After 35 days at 4-5 feet height dhanchia were buried in soil with the help of puddler. After week he transplanted paddy variety Gurjari.
Green manuring of Dhanchia in Paddy
Yield: 5620 Kg/ha Price: Rs. 240/ 20kg
Gross Income/ha: Rs.67, 440/- Total Expenditure/ha: Rs.23210
Net Income: Rs.44230/ha
Marketing: At Limbasi
Also improve the soil fertility status of his field
Year 2008-2009
Title: IMPACT OF mineral mixture DEMONSTRATION
Background: Parmar Prahaladbhai Ramanbhai is a farmer of Devataj village. He has two buffalo and one heifer. The age of heifer is four years even though it was not came into heat. So he contacted SMS (Ani. Sci.) KVK, Devataj.
Dr. Shekh SMS (Ani. Sci.) KVK, Devataj had visited and checks and found the appropriate reason. The problem was mainly because of mineral deficiency which prevent heifer to come into heat. 40 gram mineral mixture per day with concentrate mixture was suggested. Under demonstration, 3 kg mineral mixture was provided to him as Mr. Parmar is poor farmer, on 20th August 2007.
The effect of feeding mineral mixture was seen after two and half months. The heifer came in heat on 7/11/2007 and AI was done on 8/11/2007. After two and half months of A.I. pregnancy diagnosis was made which was found positive.
After completion of successful pregnancy, calving was occurs on 7/9/08
Israma village is one of the villages adopted by KVK, Devataj. During 2007-08 FLD on castor was organized in Israma village. Patel Santilal Dhulabhai was one of the respondents of FLD. He has one hector of land and two cows. He had taken bajara and paddy in kharif 2008 (0.5 ha. each). After bajra crop he had sawn Castor (GCH-5) crop with 180 x 60 cm spacing in 0.5 ha. on 13.10.2008
Out of 0.5 ha castor crop he had sawn 800 gm beet seed with four inter raw in 0.18 ha castor crop. It was an innovative approach.
Yield of beat: 2200 Kg/0.18ha Yield of castor: 485 Kg/0.18ha
Price (20 kg): Rs. 240 to Rs. 40 Price (20 Kg): Rs. 400/-
Income : Rs.12000 Income: Rs. 9700
Total : Rs.21700
Market place: Anand, Nadiad, Petlad & Retial
Expenditure: 2840
Note: This case study was also presented in AGRESCO meeting of AAU, for further research.
FLD OFT Farmers list
FLD on Fisheries (use of CIFAX)
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Malek Nazirbhai Ibrahimbhai |
Ralaj |
7622028011 |
Rajubhai Bhaijibhai Talapada |
Palaj |
6351106224 |
Chimnabhai Ashabhai Talapada |
Rupiyapura |
9998204215 |
Poonambhai Jashbhai Talapada |
Palaj |
9825518679 |
Mehul Rasikbhai Patel |
Napad Tadpad |
9099251388 |
Malek Faiyazuddin N |
Ralaj |
8849445275 |
Munavarkhan Pyarasaheb Rana |
Napad |
9723798470 |
Natubhai Ranchhodbhai Kasara |
Devataj |
9638250155 |
Bharatkumar Sureshbhai Talapada |
Bhavanipura |
8140695210 |
Kaushikbhai Kanubhai Talapada |
Palaj |
6355049772 |
FLD on Animal Science (3 kg Chelated Mineral Mixture: Anubhav chelated) Under MGMG
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Chimanbhai Punambhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9879341602 |
Dahyabhai Harmanbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9909452881 |
Rameshbhai Ishwarbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9737136871 |
Himmatbhai Mangalbhai Parmar |
Munjkuva |
9978016996 |
Samantbhai Babarbhai Gohel |
Munjkuva |
8140344088 |
Manubhai Govindbhai Vaghela |
Munjkuva |
9909374215 |
Sureshbhai Ranchhodbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
8320470305 |
Mafatbhai Raisangbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9979395226 |
Hiteshbhai Kabhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9978877235 |
Manubhai Somasing Chavada |
Munjkuva |
9825148796 |
Thakorbhai Punambhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9978236518 |
Laljibhai Khodabhai Patel |
Munjkuva |
9924570056 |
Manubhai P Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
0 |
Ramanbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9712252046 |
Punambhai Ishwarbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9879341602 |
Galabhai Harmanbhai |
Munjkuva |
7046776158 |
Ranchhodbhai A Gohel |
Munjkuva |
7359622632 |
Budhabhai Harmanbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9909300526 |
Bhikhabhai Samantbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
9712169181 |
Mafatbhai Prabhatbhai Padhiyar |
Munjkuva |
0 |
OFT on Animal Science 2018-19 Bypass fat 100g/day
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Arvindbhai Gandabhai Parmar |
Kasor |
9737014021 |
Hemantbhai Chimanbhai Patel |
Devataj |
9979472777 |
Kantibhai P Solanki |
Valasan |
9913562031 |
Parmar Bharatsing Gorwardhanbhai |
Palol |
9374496402 |
Parmar Maheshbhai Ramanbhai |
Palol |
9925768537 |
Parmar Gunvantbhai Becharbhai |
Palol |
0 |
Parmar Natubhai Dhulabhai |
Palol |
9978157856 |
Parmar Bhupendrabhai Raijibhai |
Palol |
9725541887 |
Parmar Gopalbhai Ramanbhai |
Palol |
8758630007 |
Babubhai Shanabhai Talapada |
Devataj |
9638250155 |
FLD on Animal Science 2018-19 : Guinea Grass
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Alpeshbhai Bhailalbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9428151597 |
Pareshbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9429367441 |
Rohit Patel |
Sojitra |
9427063891 |
Chiragbhai Rameshbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9427549211 |
Mukeshbhai Chimanbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9016660382 |
Mehulbhai Vinayakbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9427063860 |
Jayeshbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
8140716725 |
Maheshbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9723424532 |
Devendrabhai Chandubhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9825345879 |
Hasmukhbhai Maganbhai Patel |
Sojitra |
9879522354 |
FLD on Animal Science Adaptive trial 2018-19 : COFS-29 2kg
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Patel Bipinbhai Shambhubhai |
Palol |
9909239902 |
Patel Ketankumar Hiteshbhai |
Palol |
9376187537 |
Parmar Jaydipkumar Manishbhai |
Palol |
7874770965 |
Parmar N. D. |
Palol |
9978157856 |
Patel Pareshbhai Sureshbhai |
Devataj |
8141086963 |
Patel Jitendrabhai Hasmukhbhai |
Devataj |
9925082003 |
Patel Rambhai Gowardhanbhai |
Devataj |
9173811790 |
Patel Alpeshbhai B |
Sojitra |
9428151597 |
Patel Pareshbhai |
Sojitra |
9429367441 |
Patel Nikunjbhai Ishwarbhai |
Valasan |
9924874272 |
Chuahan Rameshbhai Pujabhai |
Valasan |
9662926641 |
Patel Bhailalbhai Kasibhai |
Valasan |
9429070824 |
Patel Darshanbhai Punjabhai |
Valasan |
9824983802 |
Solanki Kantibhai Punjabhai |
Valasan |
9913562031 |
Solanki Manubhai Bhikhabhai |
Valasan |
9925711914 |
Patel Sarvadaman C. |
Porda |
9825045730 |
Amin Jatinkumar Indubhai |
Gadteshwar |
0 |
Viththalbhai Dahyabhai Parmar |
Devataj |
0 |
Sachinkumar Maganbhai Rathod |
Limbali |
7874796596 |
Kanubhai Malibhai Patel |
Vasna |
9574512187 |
Punjabhai Maganbhai Patel |
Vasna |
9723862713 |
Arvindbhai Gowardhanbhai Patel |
Vasna |
9925660907 |
Patel Parsottambhai Gangarambhai |
Limbali |
9909239637 |
Patel Niranjanbhai Chandubhai |
Dabhoi |
9904745766 |
Manubhai Rabari |
Anand(Alogari) |
9824941913 |
Parmar Jayantibhai Ramlal |
Devataj |
7097254186 |
Patel Bharatbhai Kantibhai |
Limbali |
9924637065 |
Rabari Govindbhai Bhikhabhai |
Devataj |
9723168047 |
Mahendrabhai Parmar |
Devataj |
0 |
FLD on Animal Science 2018-19 Adaptive trail : Guinea Grass-3
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Patel Vinubhai Parsottambhai |
Limbali |
8140951818 |
Patel Vaishaliben Kalibhai |
Limbali |
9904011934 |
Patel Bharatbhai Kantibhai |
Limbali |
9924637065 |
Patel Harishbhai Punjabhai |
Limbali |
9978118240 |
Patel Nayanbhai Ramanbhai |
Limbali |
9662701939 |
Prafulbhai Jashbhai Patel |
Bechari |
6354666860 |
Mukundbhai Chaturbhai |
Bechari |
9998522136 |
Manharbhai Shankarbhai Patel |
Bechari |
9998505260 |
Naginbhai Dahyabhai Patel |
Bechari |
9712084359 |
Vinubhai Ramanbhai Patel |
Bechari |
9723935006 |
FLD on Animal Science 2018-19 Adaptive trail : Anubhav chelated mineral mixture
Name |
Village |
Mobile no |
Shashikantbhai Kantibhai Patel |
Meghva |
9904667407 |
Bhavin Jashbhai Patel |
Meghva |
9099089827 |
Vishnubhai Desaibhai Patel |
Meghva |
9558337188 |
Balavantbhai Mavjibhai Raval |
Meghva |
9687240067 |
Mukeshbhai Desaibhai |
Meghva |
9687253961 |
Kamleshbhai Punambhai Patel |
Meghva |
9685372961 |
Patel B. R. |
Meghva |
9726090423 |
Solanki Ramanbhai Shankarbhai |
Meghva |
9662876629 |
Parmar Takhatsing Ramsing |
Meghva |
9925716929 |
Manubhai Bhaijibhai Parmar |
Meghva |
0 |
Arvindbhai Kalabhai Vaghela |
Meghva |
9512302516 |
Ajit M Parmar |
Meghva |
7567961611 |
Jashubhai Dhulabhai Parmar |
Meghva |
0 |
Rupkumar Rameshbhai Parmar |
Meghva |
9714301597 |
Bharatbhai Ishwarbhai Parmar |
Meghva |
9909669851 |
Maheshbhai K Parmar |
Meghva |
0 |
Sudhirbhai Bhanubhai Patel |
Meghva |
0 |
Vijay M Vaghela |
Meghva |
0 |
Manubhai Punambhai Patel |
Meghva |
0 |
Punjabhai Ambabhai Patel |
Meghva |
0 |
Parmar Bharatbhai Gotabhai |
Meghva |
9898085270 |
Indubhai Rajabhai Patel |
Meghva |
9979109849 |
Dilipsingh Ramsingh parmar |
Meghva |
9925716921 |
Manubhai Bhaijibhai parmar |
Meghva |
0 |
Harkhabhai Hirabhai Rohit |
Meghva |
9687688093 |
Rameshbhai Manibhai Patel |
Meghva |
9724763501 |
Sangeetaben Raijibhai Patel |
Maghrol |
9905496588 |
Jollyben Kirtibhai Patel |
Maghrol |
6351327635 |
Jalpaben Ankitbhai Patel |
Maghrol |
9558480904 |
Sonaliben Pragneshbhai Patel |
Maghrol |
9909355399 |