The Bhal & Coastal Agro climatic Zone of Gujarat State has geographical area of about 12 lakh hectares.This region is located between North latitude 210-15' N and East longitude 710-15' E and 730-15' E. The entire area is generally around 13m above MSL.
The KVK at Arnej (Ahmedabad) was established by ICAR wide sanction letter of Deputy Secretary (AE), ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-I, Pusa, New Delhi No. 13-15/2003-AE-I dated 18th November, 2004. The center is situated 13 km away from Bagodara (Ahmedabad-Rajkot National Highway) on Bagodara-Tarapur state highway. The Ahmedabad district comprised of eleven talukas viz; Dholka, Bavla, Dhandhuka, Ranpur, Barvala, Sanand, Viramgam, Mandal, Rampura, City and Daskoi. There are 564 villages in the Ahmedabad district.