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College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Godhra



Agricultural Engineering Alumni Association

Patron Dr. R. Subbaiah
Principal & Dean
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University, Godhra
Dr. Pankaj Gupta
Professor & Head,
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering,
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University Godhra
Vice President
Dr. R. C. Salunkhe
Assistant Professor,
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering,
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University Godhra
Honorary Secretary
Dr. Neeraj Seth
Assistant Professor,
Department of Processing and Food Engineering,
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University Godhra
Joint Secretary
Er. Rajesh Godhani
Senior Research Assistant,
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University Godhra
Joint Secretary
Er. Sanjay Pargi
Senior Research Assistant,
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering,
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University Godhra
Er. Arvind Kunapara
Assistant Professor & HoD
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Anand Agricultural University, Godhra
Co-opt Members
Dr. R. Swarnakar, Professor, FMPE Dept.,
Dr.Navneet Kumar, Assoc. Prof. & Head, PFE Dept.,
Dr.Dharmesh Vyas, Assoc. Prof. & Head, REE Dept.,
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari, Asst. Prof. & Head, IDE Dept.,
Er. Brijesh Amin, Asst. Prof. & Head, BEAS Dept.,
Dr. Gautam Kamani, Asst. Prof., BEAS Dept.,
Er. Suryaprakesh Suryavansi,SRA, IDE Dept.
M/s. Nayana Valand, B.Tech Student,
Mr. Gautam Sharma, Alumni,
Dr. Sanjay Parmar, Alumni,
Er. Hiren Bhojani, Alumni
Name Agricultural Engineering Alumni Association, Godhra
Office(Head quarter)

College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,

Anand Agricultural University, Dahod Road, Dholakuva,

Godhra-389001, Gujarat.

Jurisdiction The Association may have its centres anywhere in India

The motto of this association is to act for the welfare of entire human    kind without any prejudice to cast, creed, religion, language, region and color and with following objectives

  • To promote the best interest of the alumni and to enable them to keep in touch with the institute and to have socio-professional links with each other.
  • To engage with the activities of functioning blood banks and will see to it that the poor people get blood at concessional price.
  • To provide a forum for the alumni so as to engage in such academic and social activities as shall contributes towards promoting liaison between the alumni and the college.
  • To organize the welfare activities for the benefit of the alumni and to disseminate technical expertise for information and entrepreneurial development among the alumni.
  • To organize training camps,coaching camps, technical seminars etc.
  • To provide social services.
  • To take up the activities of environment conservation and to organize competition connected with the environment education.
  • To provide the support for the growth and development of the agriculture, college and students.
  • To make efforts to cultivate the spirit of organization development through creative programs
  • To establish and operate technical and vocational training centers.
  • To carry out social rehabilitation through education and training centers through rural development, activities related to agriculture and animal husbandry.
  • To give the benefits of the Government's scheme. To benefit the people by setting up drinking water facilities, irrigation schemes, water conservation, drainage area development programs, social forestry.To organize blood donation camps and medical services in rural and urban areas.
  • To carry out all kinds of relief activities for the welfare of the village and urban-poverty in the event of natural or man-made disasters like droughts, heavy rains, droughts, floods, earthquakes, fires, wars.
  • To conduct seminars, exhibitions, conferences, lectures, camps, exercises related to Soil and water conservation Engineering, Agricultural Process Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Farm Machinery and Power Engineering to meet the objectives of the trust and to carry out all kinds of work arising from the research.
  • To take necessary steps to create awareness among the rural people about the benefits of government and semi-government schemes.
Membership Every person receiving a degree like B. Tech, M. Tech, Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral or any other P.G. Diploma/Diploma (if approved in future) from CAET under AAU, shall be a member of the Association on payment of life membership fees. Membership shall also on payment of membership fees be open to the teachers/technical staff of the college. Any other person connected with the institute taking active interest in Alumni Association may in recommendation of the executive committee shall decide such individually.
Membership fees Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) (Non-refundable)
General Body Meeting (GBM)
  • GBM comprised of all registered members.
  • GBM will be held once in a year.
  • The notice for the meeting will be issued to all members 15 days in advance or as per the decided by the executive council.
  • The quorum of the meeting will be 1/3 presence. However due to limitation of the time it will be called again after one hour.
  • The complete accounts of the Association will be read and duties of GBM will be approved.
  • The budget will be sanctioned.
  • The GBM will suggest / plan the future course of actions and assigns to the executive council.
  • The GBM will select/elect the executive committee every three years
Patron The Principal& Dean, College of Agril. Engi. And Tech. AAU, Godhra will be the patron of the Association by his designation.
Executive Committee
  • The EC will be compromised of minimum 7 and maximum of 22 committee (EC) members.
  • The GBM will select/elect the executive committee every three years
  • During the tenure of EC if any post gets vacant it will be filled up by the EC from the registered members on the basis of the majority.
  • The EC will be consisting of
  1. The President    -    1 Post
  2. Vice President    -    4 Post
  3. Hon. Secretary    -     1 Post
  4. Joint Secretary    -    2 Post (One for publication and one for liaison)
  5. Treasurer    –     1 Post
  6. Co-opt Members     -    6 (among them at least 2 will be from local) which are to be selected by the EC.
  • The previous EC will be continued until election will not be held to elect the new one.
  • The executive committee shall publish at least one Association bulletin in a year. This bulletin should be circulated to all the members of the Association.
Sources of Income
  • The Association may receive the conditional and un-conditional donations,gifts,prizes,funds etc. in accordance with the objectives of the Association.
  • May avail assistance,loan, grant and subsidies received from government, semi Government or nongovernment organization as per the existing government rules.
  • By receiving loans or fix deposit.
  • The income generated from real estate and activities of the Association.
  • Income in the form of interest from deposits in nationalized bank.
  • Through membership fees.
  • Through cultural programmes, exhibitions,technical seminars, functions and public fairs.
  • The means for development of the Association activities, land, buildings and any other types of property can be obtained through personal/institutional donations or on the basis of conditions which the EC found suitable.
  • The Association can generate the income by publishing souvenir, bulletin and periodicals.
Minute Book
  • The minute book of the EC and GBM should be maintained separately.
  • The secretary has to record the minutes of the general and executive council meeting along with signatures of members present in the meeting.
  • The minutes should be in English as well as in Guajarati.
  • The resolution will be passed on the basis of majority in the GBM.
  • The special resolution(s) can be made by circular to all the members which will be recorded inthe minute book.
Meeting of EC
  • It will be held twice in a year and this meeting will be said as EC meeting.
  • On the need base, the president will call the meeting within 8 days by getting written permission of the minimum ½ of the EC members.
  • All the members are to be informed by sending written notice on their respective addresses. The president will have to inform all before 15 days.
  • The quorum of meeting will be 2/3rd of total members of EC.
Quorum The quorum of the meeting will be 2/3rd of the presence. However due to limitation of the time it will be called again after one hour.
Financial Year The financial year for this Association will be from 1st April to 31st March and all the account records related to Association will be either in Gujarati or English language.
Bank Account
  • The bank account can be opened in any of the authorized banks.
  • The bank account shall be opened with the name of “Agricultural Engineering Alumni Association, Godhra” which shall be jointly operated by any two of three members President, treasurer and secretary of the Association.
Dissolution The trust is irrevocable, however, if for some reason the trust is to be dissolved then no assets/property would go to any founder, settler, trustee, donor, or member etc. but the assets after meeting its liabilities would be handed over to some other charitable trust carrying on similar activities as per the provision of Gujarat Public Trust Act, with prior permission of the Charity Commissioner. The Association can collaborate or merge with other Associations having same objectives according to the Society Reg. Act-1860.If any work has been done by members of the Association as per the objectives they will not be responsible for any of these.The amendments in the rules and regulations of the Association can be done with majority of the 2/3rdmembers of the working EC if found necessary.


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