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Agricultural Information Technology


         The College of Agricultural information Technology is established in the year 2009-10 and it is one of the leading institute which has taken a leap forward in the quality technical education. The CAIT offers four years B.Tech. (AIT)  and two years M.Tech (AIT) programmes in the specialization in Agricultural Information Technology. The aim of starting the programme is to impart quality technical education in the field of Agricultural Information Technology. It will be a good platform for all those aspirants who want to pursue higher qualification in this field.

        The department of Information Technology has a total of 8 faculty members out of whom 1 is Professor, 3 are Associate Professors and 4 are Assistant Professors. A number of research papers are published/presented by the faculty members every year in well known National and International Journals and Conferences. The department is actively involved in developing software for the university..


CAIT Research Project


Sr.No Projects

Title : Web based application for analysis of Completely Randomized Design, Latin Square Design, and Strip Plot Design.


  • To develop modules for online analysis of agriculture experiments laid out using Completely Randomized Design, Latin Square Design, Strip Plot Design.
  • To integrate above modules with existing modules RBD and Split Plot Design.


Title:  Web based application for Combine Analysis of Variance


  • To develop modules for combined analysis of variance for CRD and RBD
  • To develop modules for transformation of data using Square root, Arc Sine, Logarithmic and Box-Cox
  • To develop module for DNMRT(Duncan's new multiple range test)


Title: Transformation of information through multimedia based interactive media for mungbean crop


  • To disseminate mungbean crop information to farming community using interactive media.


Title:  Asset mapping of Anand Agriculture University (Geo-tagging).


  • To record various details regarding assets of Anand Agricultural University and to prepare charts based on categories and show location to plot it on Map.


Title: Effect of magnetic field on germination and seeding growth of onion


  • To study the effect of magnetic field on seed germination and seeding growth of Onion.


Title:   Web based climate data processing and analysis tools


  • To create DBMS for climate data of agro meteorological observatories.
  • To develop tools for crop heat indices, climatic normals, markov model for wet and dry analysis, graphs and reports.


Title:  Atmospheric correction module with standalone interface for GeoTIFF imagery using SixS(6s) model


  • To develop module for atmospheric correction of GeoTIFF imageries.
  • To develop easy to use standalone interface for 6S model.
  • To enhance usability of 6S model for repetitive computation and generation of customized look-up table.


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