Plant Physiology is one of the core fields in agriculture which can be very supportive for horticulture, plant breeding, biotechnology, biochemistry and agronomy as well as plant protection for stress resistance research and other related field.
The department was sanctioned vide letter no. GAU/ PLN.2/ section-1/ 2465-1/2465-2485, dated 26-12-1997 from planning officer, GAU, Ahemdabad, enduring IXth plan but no staff has provided. The plan schemes as a Establishment of department of plant physiology, Tissue culture and Biotechnology of Agriculture college was affiliated to the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding previously known as Department of Agricultural Botany an important division of B. A. College of Agriculture.
The Board of Management has approved the vide notification no.AAU/RES/Plan-2/ADP/11457-62/14 dated 1-11-2014 from Director of Research, AAU, Anand the said plan scheme “Strengthening of Department of Plant Physiology, Tissue culture and Biotechnology of Agriculture College” under the control of The Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Botany, BACA. Dr. N. Subhash was appointed as a Head for the department with reference to the Registrar letter. no. AAU/REG/ACA(37)/1297-1286/2014 dt.7-11-2014 first timeActually PG in Plant physiology in M.Sc. was started from 1962 while Ph.D from 2002.
Name of Professor & Head | Dr. S. J. Macwan |
Qualification | Ph. D. (Plant Physiology and Ecology) |
Contact Information |
9879468013 |
Course offer in Under Graduate Level i.e. B.Sc.
Course offer in Post Graduate Level M.Sc.and Ph.D.
(1) Create infra-structure for teaching and regular research programmes in Plant Physiology and tissue culture.
(2) To initiate departmental P.G. research programmes on various crop including physiology of various crop as well as applied field of plant tissue culture in crops of regional importance.
(3) Imparting Training and practical exposure to UG and PG students for operating modern Plant Physiological tools viz., photosynthetic system, chlorophyll meters, leaf area instrument etc. and exposure to plant tissue culture techniques.
(4) To initiate stress physiology related research programmes of the crops of local as well as that of Gujarat region.