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Agricultural Statistics


Department of Agricultural Statistics is one of the integral parts of B. A. College of Agriculture; Anand came into existence in 1947 as a tiny Statistical cell and later on as a full-fledged department under erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University and now Anand Agricultural University. The department is actively involved in teaching to undergraduate, postgraduate and polytechnic diploma students. The department also serves to the Post graduate Students, Extension Persons and Scientists in agriculture and allied fields for their research projects with regard to planning of the experiments, statistical analysis and interpretation of results.


  • To strengthen the PG programme in Agril. Statistics for meeting the manpower requirement at various levels of Research and Education.
  • To look after planning work of various experiment in the advisory capacity.
  • To process research data to analyze them statistically by providing computer facilities.
  • To provide guidance in statistical aspects like choice of design, scrutiny of data and method of analysis of data to PG students.

Facilities available at the department

  • UG / PG Classroom
  • Data Analysis Lab
  • UG Computer Lab
  • PG Computer Lab
  • PG Study room
  • Seminar cum Conference Hall
  • Department Library
Name of Professor & Head Dr. A. D. Kalola
Qualification M.Sc., Ph.D (Agril. Statistics)


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