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Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

Departmental History – Background information vision – Goal

The Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry started functioning at the College of Agriculture, AAU, Vaso in the year 2018, however the courses related to soil science and agricultural chemistry were offered since 2012. The main objective of this department is to plan, undertake, promote and coordinate education, research and its application in soil science for enhancing soil productivity and fertility. The department also offers services like soil testing, plant testing, water testing, and fertilizer testing. The department collaborates with the other departments at AAU Vaso campus in conducting different agricultural experiments and researches.


  • To impart excellent education and generate young workforce skilled with knowhow of novel soil science related techniques.
  • To undertake farmer-oriented research and extension activities to cater upcoming demand of agrarian economy.


Dr. Pushpa S. Parmar
Assistant Professor and Head
Mob. No.:9924438962
Specialization:Soil fertility and Soil chemistry
Professional Resume 


Experience: 9 years



The faculty of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry conducts theory and practical sessions for the polytechnic and undergraduate students.

Diploma in Agriculture

Course No.


Course Title

Ag. Chem. 2.1

2 + 1

Fundamentals of Soil Science

Ag. Chem. 3.2 

2 + 1

Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

Ag. Chem. 4.3

2 + 1

Problematic Soils and Their Management

B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Course No.


Course Title

Ag. Chem. 1.1


2 + 1

Fundamentals of Soil Science


Ag. Chem. 2.2


2 + 1

Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management


Ag. Chem. 3.3


2 + 1

Problematic Soils and Their Management


ENVS 5.1


2 + 1

Environmental Studies and Disaster Management


ELP 8.4


0 + 10

Soil, Plant, Water and Seed Testing


Other academic activities

Experiential Learning (EL) Programme: EL provides the students an excellent opportunity to develop analytical and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through meaningful hands on experience, confidence in their ability to design and execute project work. The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry offers an ELP module called “Soil, Plant, Water and Seed Testing” and through this the department trains the students to take up soil, plant, water and seed testing as entrepreneurs. The following table suggests the numbers of the students trained in the last five years (2017-18 to 2020-21).


Year No. of Students Trained Under ELP











Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE) programme: Under RAWE programme, the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry carries out the departmental orientation programme, on-campus training, visits of various research stations/KVKs/villages/agro-industries and progressive farmers.


Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry is also associated with research activities wherein several field experiments are being conducted round the year. Here is the list of research experiments:

Sr. No Name of Experiments Year Status Name of the PI & Co-PI
1 Nutrient management in castor (GAC 11) 2019 Ongoing Mr. M. P. Dohat
Ms. Pushpa Parmar
2 Effect of Integrated nutrient management on growth yield and quality of cauliflower 2020M Ongoing Mr. B. A. Jethva
Ms. Pushpa Parmar
3 Effect of integrated nitrogen management on yield and quality of mustard 2020 Recommended Ms. Pushpa Parmar
Mr. M. P. Dohat
4 Optimization of NPK requirement for growth and quality of Broccoli 2020 Recommended Mr. B. A. Jethva
Ms. Pushpa Parmar

Extension Activities Carried Out by the Faculty:


Lectures delivered to the farmers


Total Recommendations approved by AGRESCO for farmers : 07




Practical Classroom/ Instrument Room:

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry has a well-furnished practical classroom/ instrument room equipped with computer, sound system, LCD projector, educational charts, internet facilities, different types of rocks-minerals and necessary instrument, chemicals, glassware and plasticware related to soil, plants, water, and fertilizer testing.


Practical Laboratory:

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry has a well-furnished laboratory with different types of instruments, chemicals, glassware and plasticware related to soil, plants, water, and fertilizer testing.


Agro-Meteorological Observatory:

A well-equipped agro-meteorological observatory is also maintained by the department. It records the meteorological data twice a day. The observatory has the equipments to measure maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction, soil temperature, rainfall and evaporation. The data recorded in the observatory are displayed on a display board at the entrance of the College Building. This data can be made available to farmers on demand at free-of-cost for working out the water requirements of the plants and prediction of diseases.



Publications by the Faculty Members


No. of Publ.

Research paper published in NAAS rated journals


Popular articles


Seminar/webinar attended


Convention attended


Workshop attended


Training attended


Conference attended




Ms. Pushpa S. Parmar
Assistant Professor and Head
Department of Soil Science and Agri. Chemistry
College of Agriculture, AAU, Vaso
Mob. No.: +91 –9924438962

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