Gujarat Round Brinjal 8 (Anand Raj)
Year of Release 2021
Area and Condition for which release Kharif-Rabi season under irrigated condition of Gujarat state
Special Features: The variety has ovoid shaped fruit with purple fruit skin colour having strong glossiness. It has semi spreading plant growth habit and dentate leaf margin.
Name of centre MVRS, Anand
Average yield 425.77 q/ha

This variety registered 25.47, 20.90, 24.33, 25.69 and 32.00 per cent higher fruit yield than the checks GAOB 2, GNRB 1, GRB 5, Swarna Mani Black and GOB 1, respectively. This variety contains higher moisture (89.91%), total soluble sugars (3.92%) and reducing sugars (2.51%) as compared to the check varieties GAOB 2, GNRB 1, GRB 5, Swarna Mani Black and GOB 1. This variety has less prevalence of little leaf disease reaction and lower number of jassids, whitefly as well as shoot and fruit borer damage as compared to the checks GAOB 2, GNRB 1, GRB 5, Swarna Mani Black and GOB 1.