Gujarat Anand Vegetable Chilli 141 (Anand Tej)
Year of Release 2021
Area and Condition for which release Kharif-rabi season under irrigated condition of Middle Gujarat
Special Features: The variety has dense canopy of the plant. It has weak intensity of anthocyanin colouration at nodes and medium intensity of stem pubescence. The fruits have medium intensity of green colour at unripe stage.
Name of centre MVRS, Anand
Average yield 148.96 q/ha

The variety exhibited 12.09, 27.63, 36.89 and 64.72 per cent higher green fruit yield in middle Gujarat over the checks GVC 111, GAVC 112, GVC 121 and JCA 283, respectively. The variety contains higher ascorbic acid (16.37 mg/100g), total soluble sugars (3.78%) and reducing sugars (0.50%) as compared to the checks GVC 111 and GAVC 112. This variety has less prevalence of chilli leaf curl disease, fruit damage by fruit borer with lower or comparable number of thrips/leaf as compared to the checks GAVC 112 and JCA 283.