Gujarat Anand Urdbean 4 (Shayamal) | ||
Year of Release | 2021 |
Area and Condition for which release | Middle Gujarat Agro-climate Zone for Kharif and summer seasons | |
Special Features: | This variety has deltoid leaf shape, hairy pod with 6-7 seeds per pod, medium sized dull black seed and green stem with purple splashes and having medium maturity. | |
Name of centre | PRS, Vadodara | |
Average yield | 961 kg/ha | |
Characterstics |
In kharif season, this variety gave 1005 kg/ha seed yield which was 19.08 and 23.92 per cent higher over T 9 and GU 1, respectively under middle Gujarat. In summer, this variety gave 864 kg/ha seed yield which was 22.21 and 23.42 per cent higher over T 9 and GU 1, respectively under middle Gujarat. It contains 24.66% protein, 55.58% total carbohydrate, 4.77% total soluble sugar, 0.946% phenol and 8.89 mg/100g flavonoid as well as 49.97 Fe, 29.28 Zn and 7.29 Cu mg/kg. This variety is resistant to Yellow Mosaic Disease under natural field condition |