Central Kodo Millet Variety 2 (Dahod Kodo) | ||
Year of Release | 2021 (CVRC) |
Area and Condition for which release | Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu | |
Special Features: | Erect plant canopy, medium maturity and synchronous maturity, non-shattering in habit panicle is semi-compact with long peduncle length and internodal pigmentation is absent, ellipsoidal grain shape with brown colour seed. | |
Name of centre | ARS, Dahod | |
Average yield | 28.92 q/ha | |
Characterstics |
This variety gives on an average 28.92 q/ha of grain yield at Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, which is 14.76 and 7.99 per cent higher grain yield over national checks RK 390-25 and TNAU 86, respectively. Higher protein content (6.2%), Zinc content (2.6 mg/100g), Iron content (4.75 mg/100g), Ca content (28.8 mg/100) and crude fiber (17.8 %). Moderately resistant to head smut, banded blight, leaf blight and brown spot disease and also moderately resistant to shoot fly damage. |