Gujarat Anand Bidi Tobacco Hybrid 2

Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Middle Gujarat (Anand, Kheda and Vadodara districts) under Irrigated conditions.
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
3948 kg/ha cured leaf yield
Special Features: 
More number of leaves per plant with good spangling and puckering
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> Medium to late group. It is as good as &nbsp;MR GTH 1 in chemical constituents of leaf. This variety exhibited&nbsp; 17 % &nbsp;higher cured leaf yield than existing hybrid check MR GTH 1. Resistant to root-knot, mosaic and leaf curl diseases in normal field conditions. Good smoking quality as per the traders opinion. This variety produced 3948 kg/ha cured leaf yield which is&nbsp; 17 % higher than existing hybrid MRGTH 1.</p>
Name of centre: 
BTRS, Anand
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