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Medium maturity, orange flint grain, high test weight (367 g). In quality point of view, this hybrid contains 69.45% starch, 12.55% protein, 4.85% oil, 0.59% tryptophan in protein and 2.67% lysine in protein. Moderately resistant against Maydis leaf blight, tursicum leaf blight and fusarium stalk rot disease.</p>
Desi cotton growing area of Gujrat under rainfed condition
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
Seed cotton yield: 1375 kg/ha
Special Features:
First ever semi-open ball type with long staple (UHML: 27.3 mm) herbaceum cotton variety.
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This variety gave 5.8, 20.3 and 24.8 % higher seed cotton yield over check varieties G. Cot. 21, GADC 2 and GADC 4 respectively in the rainfed conditions of Gujarat State. The variety GDC 5 has recorded average fibre length (upper half mean) of 27.3 mm, fibre fineness of 4.2 µg/inch and bundle strength of 26.6 g/tex in HVI mode. It had produced average seed cotton yield of 1375 kg/ha. Less infestation of pest.</p>
Variety has dark green foliage colour, thin stem, early in silking and Anthocyanin colouration in patches on lower part of stem
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Variety recorded 24.21 and 32.52 <em>per cent </em>higher green fodder yield and dry matter yield than the national check variety African Tall, respectively. In case of per day productivity, this variety was found superior for green fodder (7.81 q/ha/day). Tall plant height (204 cm), more number of leaves per plant (13.3), thin stem (1.16 cm) and high leaf: stem ratio (1.24). Contains higher dry matter (17.43%) and neutral detergent fiber (76.09%); crude protein (5.26%), acid detergent fiber (39.92%) content, <em>i</em><em>n vitro</em> dry matter digestibility (61.05%), acid detergent lignin (17.85%). This variety has comparable prevalence of maydis leaf blight disease reaction as well as fall armyworm and lower aphid damage as compared to the check. </p>
Variety has yellow colored flower with red streak, green prominent constricted pod with black streak on margin & 4-5 cremish white, medium bold seeds per pod
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This variety gave an average 1918 kg/ha seed yield which is 14.45, 11.32, 11.05 and 27.38% higher than check varieties AGT 2, GT 104, BDN 2 and Vaishali, respectively in the Gujarat State. The variety matured in 161 to 176 days, having semi-spreading plant type, medium flowering duration and yellow flower colour with red streak. It contains higher amount of protein (23.35%) as compared to check varieties AGT 2, GT 104 and Vaishali whereas, nutrients contain Fe (32.54 mg/kg) and Zn (22.38 mg/kg) are higher as compared to check varieties AGT 2, BDN 2 and Vaishali. It also found resistant against wilt and SMD under natural field condition.</p>
Direct Seeded Aerobic Rice growing ecosystem of Gujarat for Kharif season
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
3988 kg/ha grain yield
Special Features:
Variety has early maturity with medium plant height, more number of productive tillers and long bold grains
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The variety gave 3988 kg/ha grain yield which is 29.3, 22.3 and 13.4 per cent higher over the check varieties, NAUR 1, GNR 8 and GNR 3, respectively. The variety has ideal milling recovery 71.10% with head rice recovery of 61.52% which was higher or at par to the check varieties and Amylose content 25.55% is at desirable level (intermediate). It has good grain and cooking quality with better nutritional quality and suitable for puffed and flattened rice. It contains total carbohydrates 70.37%, ß-carotene 1.08 ppm and protein 8.06%. The variety is moderately resistant reaction against leaf blast, neck blast and grain discoloration. Moderately resistant against white backed plant hopper and leaf folder under natural field condition.</p>
Early maturing with semi erect plant habit, light green foliage, large seeded with brown colour
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It gave 2235 kg/ha seed yield, which was 20.85 <em>per cent</em> higher over the checks GG 2, GJG 3, GG 5 and GJG 6, respectively. Resistant to wilt disease with less prevalence of pod borer. It possesses higher crude protein content (18.09%), total carbohydrate (57.47%), total soluble sugar (9.35%) and phenol (0.392%).</p>
Short height, early maturing and high density of siliqua on main shoot
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The variety gave 2791 kg/ha seed yield, which was 18.57 and 20.03 <em>per cent</em> higher over the checks GM 1 and PM 25, respectively. Medium seed size. It has determinate growth habit, more branches and siliqua per plant. This variety has less or comparable prevalence of powdery mildew disease and aphid. It contains higher oil (38.39%), crude protein (26.63%) and free fatty acid (0.40%) as compared to checks GM 1 and PM 25.</p>
Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Year of Release:
2021 (CVRC)
Average Yield:
28.92 q/ha
Special Features:
Erect plant canopy, medium maturity and synchronous maturity, non-shattering in habit panicle is semi-compact with long peduncle length and internodal pigmentation is absent, ellipsoidal grain shape with brown colour seed.
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This variety gives on an average 28.92 q/ha of grain yield at Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, which is 14.76 and 7.99 per cent higher grain yield over national checks RK 390-25 and TNAU 86, respectively. Higher protein content (6.2%), Zinc content (2.6 mg/100g), Iron content (4.75 mg/100g), Ca content (28.8 mg/100) and crude fiber (17.8 %). Moderately resistant to head smut, banded blight, leaf blight and brown spot disease and also moderately resistant to shoot fly damage.</p>