Field Crops


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Pasture land of Gujarat
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
GFY: 185-190 q/ha/year, DMY: 80-85 q/ha/year
Special Features: 
Perennial grass
<p class="rtejustify"> Tall plant (89.4 cm), having dark green leaves. Looking to the yield performance it gave 26.4 and 28.7 percent yield of green fodder and dry matter yield than GMG-1. More palatable as compared to GMG-1. Dry matter is 42 %, Crude protein&nbsp; is 4.90 % and NDF&nbsp; is 76.2 %.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Whole country
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
290-350 q/ha
Special Features: 
Single cut, Summer sowing.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> Trailing type plants, dark green pods. Leafiness&nbsp; is 56 % with dark green and smooth leaves. It&#39;s protein content varies from 17.5 to 19.5 having 73 % &nbsp;IVDMD.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Whole country
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
270-330 q/ha
Special Features: 
Single cut, Kharif sowing.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> Trailing type plants. having dark green pods. Leafiness % is 53 with dark green and smooth leaves., protein content varies from 17.5-19.5 % with 66.9 % IVDMD.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Whole country
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
270-350 q/ha
Special Features: 
Single cut, Summer sowing.
<p class="rtejustify"> Trailing type plants, dark green pods. Leafiness is 46 % with dark green and smooth leaves. It&#39;s protein content varies from 14-19 % with 72 % IVDMD.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Whole country
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
250-300 q/ha
Special Features: 
Single cut, Kharif sowing.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> Trailing type plants, dark green pods, days to 50 per cent flowering is 65-70 days. It has 16-20 % protein and IVDMD of 66.2 %. The grain is very attractive.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Whole Gujarat State
Year of Release: 
2014 (Endorsed)
Average Yield: 
600 q/ha
Special Features: 
Single cut nature
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> Higher yield, higher leaf stem ratio, resistance to leaf blight, root rot and powdery mildew diseases. Dry matter&nbsp; is 12.1 %, Crude protein&nbsp; is 12.91 %, NDF is 66.0 &nbsp;% and ADF is 29 %.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madha Pradesh
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
800-1000 q/ha (Annual)
Special Features: 
Annual type
<p class="rtejustify"> Plants tall, erect type, crown above the ground, vigorous growing, leaves are broad and light green colour, flowers are purple in colour. It gives 10-12 cutting in a year. Higher crude protein content 20-25, Higher dry matter content 18-28 %.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
North Gujarat
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
800-950 q/ha (Annual)
Special Features: 
Annual type, Resistance to downy mildew
<p class="rtejustify"> Tall and erect plant type, broad leaves. Flowers are purple in colour. Dry matter content is 20-28 % and Crude protein content is 20-25 %.</p>
Name of centre: 
MFRS, Anand


Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Middle Gujarat
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
1000-1100 q/ha (Perennial)
Special Features: 
Perennial type (2-3 years)
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> It has dark green foliage, oblong leaves, thick stem, 70.9 cm average plant height with 47 tillers/m row.</p> <p class="rtejustify"> It gives more herbage. It has good regeneration capacity and negligible incidence of pests and diseases. High Crude protein&nbsp; 23-25 % and Dry matter 25-42.</p>
Name of centre: 
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