Middle Gujarat Agro-climate Zone for summer seasons
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
1171 kg/ha
Special Features:
This variety has dark green leaves with purple vein, green colour with purple splashes on petiole, semi erect and determinate plant growth habit. This variety has semi erect type and medium maturity duration.
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This variety gave average yield 1171 kg/ha which is 86.6, 18.2, 18.9 and 14.3% seed yield superiority over the check varieties GM 4, Meha, GAM 5 and GM 6, respectively during summer seasons in the middle Gujarat. This variety has resistant to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease and moderately resistant to powdery mildew under natural field condition. It contains high protein (25.86%) and total soluble sugar (7.06%) than check varieties.</p>
Transplanted rice growing areas of the middle Gujarat
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
5613 kg/ha
Special Features:
The variety has medium maturity with medium plant height, more number of productive tillers and possesses long slender kernel type grain.
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This variety gave 5613 kg/ha grain yield which is 22.6 and 15.1 <em>per cent</em> higher over the check varieties GR 7 and GAR 3 respectively. The variety has ideal milling recovery i.e. 72.08% with head rice recovery of 62.80%, which was higher or at par to the check varieties. Resistant to the major insect-pests viz. white backed plant hoppers (WBPH), yellow stem borer and leaf folder and Resistant against leaf blast and neck blast, while moderately resistance to bacterial leaf blight, sheath rot and grain discoloration.</p>
Transplanted rice growing areas of the Gujarat State
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
5345 kg/ha
Special Features:
This variety has early to medium maturity with medium plant height, more number of productive tillers and possesses medium slender kernel type grain.
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This variety gave 5345 kg/ha grain yield which is 44.9, 23.0 and 7.0 per cent higher over the check GR 4, GR 12 and Mahisagar respectively. The variety has ideal milling recovery i.e. 69.44% with head rice recovery of 62.51%, which was higher or at par to the check varieties. The unpolished rice of the variety contain 39.80 and 22.54 mg/kg and polished rice contain 16.90 and 19.23 mg/kg Fe and Zn, respectively which is higher than check varieties. Moderately resistant to the major insect-pests viz. white backed plant hoppers, yellow stem borer and leaf folder as well as major diseases like leaf blast, neck blast, bacterial leaf blight, sheath rot and grain discoloration.</p>
Hilly and tribal region of Dahod, Panchmahal and Dang districts of Gujarat
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
2738 kg/ha
Special Features:
Higher protein content (8.74%), fiber content (8.41) Ash content (0.25%) Fe content (38.95 mg/kg), Zn content (21.94 mg/kg) and Cu content (6.86 mg/kg) with higher milling recovery (55.5%)
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Higher grain yield (2738 kg/ha) with erect plant canopy, medium maturity and suitable for rainfed condition, Long panicle and raceme length, presence of internodal pigmentation, dark brown seed colour with ellipsoidal shape, non-shattering in habit and moderately resistant to head smut disease</p>
Medium duration pigeon pea cultivated area of Middle and North Gujarat for kharif season
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
1842 kg/ha (Middle Gujarat) and 1853 kg/ha (North Gujarat)
Special Features:
Green stem and green foliage, Yellow flower, Green constricted pod having 4-6 seeds per pod
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In Middle Gujarat, GT 106 recorded <strong>50.72, 21.44, 23.63</strong> and <strong>12.68</strong> per cent higher yield (<strong>1842 kg/ha</strong>) over the checks BDN 2, AGT 2, Vaishali and GJP1, respectively. In North Gujarat, GT 106 recorded <strong>23.16, 25.37, 21.73</strong>, and <strong>22.33</strong> per cent higher yield (<strong>1853 kg/ha</strong>) over the checks BDN 2, AGT 2, Vaishali and GJP1, respectively. This variety matured in 165-175 days, having green colour with constricted pod, posses 4-6 seeds, high yield potential with resistant to wilt & moderately resistance to SMD under the natural field condition.</p>
Peninsular zone (Maharashtra, Karnataka and plains of Tamil Nadu) under restricted Irrigation, timely sown conditions.
Year of Release:
2019 (CVRC)
Average Yield:
2850 kg/ha
Special Features:
GW 1346 has desired quality traits like good grain appearance (7/10), good sedimentation value (29.6 ml) and lower yellow berry incidence (1%) therefore, it can be used as a “dual quality” durum suitable both for “chapati making” as well as for good pasta preparations.
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It has yield advantage of 4.8 and 8.0% over the checks AKDW 2997-16 and UAS 44 & potential yield of 4040 kg/ha. It showed superior level of leaf rust resistance & high level of stem rust resistance. It has good levels of protein content (12.36%), essential micronutrients like Iron (36.5 ppm) and Zinc (32.2 ppm), and overall acceptability for pasta (5.3 out of 9.0).</p>
13273 kg/ha (Green cob yield at 87-90 days of harvest )
Special Features:
This is yellow kernel sweet corn hybrid. Total Soluble Sugar 7.58%. Total Soluble Solids 18.4 0 Brix.
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Medium maturing and high yielding yellow kernel single cross sweet corn hybrid. Resistant against <em>Turcicum</em> leaf blight in field conditions. Resistant against stem borer in field condition.</p>
This is Pop corn hybrid having high popping (92%) and popping volume (213 ml/cm3).
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Medium maturing, orange flint kernels, high test weight (190 g) and high yielding single cross popcorn hybrid. Resistant against <em>Curvularia</em> Leaf spot and <em>Puccinia</em> rust under hot spot conditions. Resistant to moderately resistant against stem borer in field condition.</p>