Gujarat Anand Rice 22 (Swagat)

Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Transplanted rice growing areas of the middle Gujarat
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
5613 kg/ha
Special Features: 
The variety has medium maturity with medium plant height, more number of productive tillers and possesses long slender kernel type grain.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> This variety gave 5613 kg/ha grain yield which is 22.6 and 15.1 <em>per cent</em> higher over the check varieties GR 7 and GAR 3 respectively. The variety has ideal milling recovery i.e. 72.08% with head rice recovery of 62.80%, which was higher or at par to the check varieties. Resistant to the major insect-pests viz. white backed plant hoppers (WBPH), yellow stem borer and leaf folder and Resistant against leaf blast and neck blast, while moderately resistance to bacterial leaf blight, sheath rot and grain discoloration.</p>
Name of centre: 
MRRS, Nawagam
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