Middle Gujarat Agro-climate Zone for summer seasons
Year of Release:
Average Yield:
1171 kg/ha
Special Features:
This variety has dark green leaves with purple vein, green colour with purple splashes on petiole, semi erect and determinate plant growth habit. This variety has semi erect type and medium maturity duration.
Crop Image:
<p class="rtejustify">
This variety gave average yield 1171 kg/ha which is 86.6, 18.2, 18.9 and 14.3% seed yield superiority over the check varieties GM 4, Meha, GAM 5 and GM 6, respectively during summer seasons in the middle Gujarat. This variety has resistant to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease and moderately resistant to powdery mildew under natural field condition. It contains high protein (25.86%) and total soluble sugar (7.06%) than check varieties.</p>