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Gujarat Anand Brinjal 6 (Anand Doli)

Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Middle Gujarat
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
561.40 q/ha
Special Features: 
Dark pink fruit skin colour with strong glossiness. Club shaped fruit with medium size and cluster fruiting pattern. Erect plant growth habit and dentate leaf margin. Small diameter of blossom end scar.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> This variety recorded 44.70, 38.82, 17.72, 26.28, 40.74 and 40.20 per cent higher fruit yield at Anand over the checks GOB 1, GBL 1, GJB 2, GJLB 4, Doli 5 and Punjab Sadabahar, respectively. Contains higher dry matter (14.32%), total phenol (0.087%) and protein (0.82%) as compared to the checks varieties GJB 2, GJLB 4, Doli 5 and Punjab Sadabahar. &nbsp;This variety has less prevalence of little leaf disease reaction and lower or comparable number of jassid and whitefly as well as fruit borer damage as compared to the checks&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GJB 2, GJLB 4, Doli 5 and Punjab Sadabahar.</p>
Name of centre: 
MVRS, Anand
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