Gujarat Anand Durum Wheat 3

Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Bhal & Coastal Agro climatic Zone-VIII of Gujarat State, under rainfed condition as well as under restricted irrigation (Two Irrigation) condition.
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
1508 kg/ha under rainfed condition; 2663 kg/ha under restricted irrigation condition
Special Features: 
Attractive bold amber grains having high β-Carotene (2.11 ppm), good nutritional quality, grain mottling is very less and moderately resistant to black & brown rust.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> This variety produced 1508 kg/ ha grain yield under timely sown rainfed condition which is 10.7% higher than GW 1. Under restricted irrigation condition (two irrigation), this variety exhibited 2663 kg/ha grain yield which is 19.3, 68.6 and 68.8% higher than Local check varieties GW 1, GDW 1255 and GW 1139 &amp; 18.9 and 22.5% higher grain yield over National check varieties AKDW 2997-16 and HI 8627,&nbsp; respectively.</p>
Name of centre: 
ARS, Dhandhuka
Photo Gallery X