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Gujarat Anand White Onion 2

Sub Crop: 
Area and Condition for which release: 
Middle Gujarat, Rabi season under irrigated condition
Year of Release: 
Average Yield: 
595 q/ha
Special Features: 
The bulb of this variety has white skin colour, globe shape and big in size.
Crop Image: 
<p class="rtejustify"> This variety exhibited 25 and 45 % higher bulb yield over the check varieties GWO-1 and PWF-131, respectively. It contains higher TSS, pyruvic acid, reducing sugar, non reducing sugar and total carbohydrates as compared to the checks. This variety had low purple blotch disease index&nbsp; and number of thrips&nbsp; as compared to both the checks. It has more number of long leaves and low percentage of bolting and jointed bulb than both the checks.</p>
Name of centre: 
MVRS, Anand
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