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From the Desk of Hon. Vice Chancellor

Dr. K. B. Kathiria
Vice Chancellor

Anand Agricultural University came into existence with the reorganization of the Gujarat Agricultural University during the year 2004 with support of Government of Gujarat, Act No. 5 dated April 29, 2004. Great Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Shri K M Munshiji paved path of this historic institution in the year 1938, with the establishment of the Institute of Agriculture at Anand.

“Agriculturally prosperous Gujarat and India” is the prime vision of this University through three dimensional activities including education, research and extension education in agriculture and allied disciplines. Today, agriculture in India is not an occupation rather it is a way of life for many Indians. Therefore, strengthening agriculture directly leads to strengthen the entire country. Indeed, we have transformed our country from a food deficit to a food surplus country and facilitated the sector to further strengthen the growing Indian economy and expanding to the targeted $5 trillion economy. The contribution of agriculture sector in national GDP increased to 19.9 per cent in 2020-21 from 17.8 per cent in 2019-20. The state of Gujarat remained at top of the list in terms of agriculture growth over the last decade in the country. There has been a key role of Agricultural Universities in growth of Agriculture sector in the state.

In the present era of global health crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic, the agriculture and allied sectors remained an unbeaten sector among all. Even during this difficult time, Anand Agricultural University has taken all the care and measures for strengthening and betterment of farming and student community at large. There are still many challenges against the agricultural development of the state and country and AAU is committed to address all such challenges with rejuvenated efforts and dedication.

Education is the key to success for every individual and nation at large. AAU is committed to generate excellent human resource by offering various undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and polytechnic programmes in 6 various faculties. Being one of the oldest in western India, quality education is the hallmark of AAU. Thousands of students have earned their degrees from this University who are working around the country and world. A dedicated work force of professors and scientists are committed to nurture young brains to cater the need of agricultural professionals to the society and nation.

Research has always been an activity of key importance at AAU. The university has been working through its multilocation research stations in 9 districts of middle Gujarat. A large number of research projects funded by State & Central Governments and other agencies are implemented and functioning. Moreover, the university is also rendering services like analyzing soil, water samples, pesticides residues, food analysis etc. through well equipped laboratories including two NABL accredited Labs. Extension Education services is another important fundamental mandate of the University. Transfer of technology through effective demonstration, trainings, exhibitions, farmer fairs and many more extension activities are carried out round the year for the benefit of farmers.    

I am sure, AAU will continue to attain better achievements and recognitions with the enthusiastic involvement of our officers, scientists, faculty and supporting staff.  The blessings of Hon. Governorshri and the Chancellor of our University, encouragement and support from visionary Chief Minister and Deputy Chief minister, constructive support from Hon. Minister of Agriculture and Hon. Minister of Agriculture (State) and all positive support from the State and the Central Governments, will make this University a leading agricultural university in the world.  I am glad to have this opportunity to serve as the Vice Chancellor of this glorious and historical institution.  We will continue to elevate our research and educational standards with better inputs for educating farmers, so that the food security and safety are achieved along with better livelihood and welfare of the farmers.


Dr.K.B. Kathiria
Vice Chancellor
Anand Agricultural University
Anand-388 110, Gujarat State (India)



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