Plant Pathology

Departmentwise information

Name of Professor & Head Dr. R.G. Parmar
Qualification Ph. D. (Plant Pathology)
Specialization Biological control of soil borne fungal pathogens.
Contact Information
Telephone Number With STD Code
Office 02692 262435
Mobile 9638034617

Brief Profile

Detailed Departmental Information

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The Department of Plant Pathology was created in 1947. Dr. M. J. Thirumalachar was the first Head of the Department. He was succeeded by Dr. N. Prasad, Dr. M. K. Patel, Dr M. V. Desai, Prof. A. J. Patel. Under their capable leadership, the Department expanded to include many dedicated faculty members like, Dr. J. G. Patel, Dr. B. K. Patel, Dr. Ashok Mishra, Dr. G.B. Valand, Dr. R. N. Pandey, Dr. A.B. Brahmbhatt and many more, whose contributions made the Department as the recognized leader in the country in the field of Plant Virology, Seed Pathology, Biological control, Mushroom culture, Management of Plant diseases, etc.
Presently, the department is headed by Dr. R. G. Parmar and members of the Department include 4 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors, 1 technical assistant and 3 supporting staffs. The entire faculty strives hard to achieve the excellence in the field of education, research and extension. The department is surging ahead with the researches in the field of Plant Virology, Seed Pathology, Biological control of Plant diseases, mushroom culture, management of plant disease, management of post harvest diseases, etc.. The department is having 11 different project viz. AICRP on NSP (Crops) Seed Technology Research & Lead centre of seed borne viruses and TSP project, State Non plan for catering the need of education and plant and pest disease management; Plan Projects on Plant virology, Biocontrol of plant disease, Mushroom culture, GSBTM project,  other agency funded projects, etc. Besides, the department has well developed art of state laboratory of plant virology, biological control, seed pathology and mushroom production. The department is producing Anubhav Trichoderma for the use of the farmers as transfer of biocontrol technology.

Mandate and Objectives of the Department:

  • Imparting education to under-graduate and post-graduate students.
  • Providing guidance to post graduate students for their thesis research work.
  • Counseling of U.G. students for JRF examination and P.G. students for SRF, NET, ARS and other competitive examination and personality development.
  • Conducting researches useful to the farmers and undertaking research projects sponsored by State Government, ICAR, other agencies, etc.
  • Providing disease diagnosis and advisory services to the farmers for disease management.
  • Extending extension services to the farmers, State Department of Agriculture, NGOs, etc.  by participation in agricultural fair, Krishi mahotsav, Ratri sabha, MGMG, radio talk, Door darshan, extension literatures i.e. popular articles (Rog Calendars) leaflet, folder etc.
  • Participation in and organizing of seminar, symposia, workshop, summer institute, short training, etc.

Facilities of Farm / Lab

  • 0.32 acres of land at Agronomy Farm, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand
  • Well equipped Virus detection Lab (worth of Rs.2.13 crores)
  • Well equipped Seed Pathology Lab under AICRP on NSP (Crops) - STR 
  • Well equipped Trichoderma production Lab
  • Well equipped Microbiology Lab
  • Well equipped Mushroom Lab for demonstration

Major activities of the Department

  1. U. G Teaching & P G Teaching:
    Teaching Even Sem. Odd Sem. Total
    U G Teaching (5th Dean) 27 Credits 26 Credits 53 Credits
    P G Teaching 25 Credits 28 Credits 53 Credits


Year Title Recommendation
2008 Management of Phytophthora blight, charcoal rot, Cercospora leaf spot and bacterial blight diseases of sesamum. Fungicide Recommended, carbendazim @ 3g/ kg seed followed by two sprays of carbendazim, 0.05 % or  thiophenate methyl, 0.05%) or chlorothalonil, 0.2% at 30 & 50 days
2009 Management of early blight and leaf curl  diseases of tomato. Raising of seedlings under 300 mesh nylon net for 35 days and alternate six sprays of deltamethrin (1%) + triazophos (0.036%) and mancozeb (0.2%) or alternate six sprays of neem leaf extract (10%) and mancozeb (0.2%).
2010 Management of Yellow Vein Mosaic of Okra and its vector Treat the seeds with thiamethoxam (5 gm/kg of seed) or imidaclopride @10 ml/kg of seed with three sprays of acephate (50%) + imidaclopride (1.8%).
2011 Management of bacterial blight of cluster bean for seed purpose. Treat the seeds in Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10% (Streptocycline),0.025% with three sprays of Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10% (Streptocycline),0.01% (1g / 10 litres water).
2012 Early Blight Disease in Potato. Three sprays of propineb, 0.2% at 15 days interval starting from appearance of the disease.
2013 Management of physiological wilting/ reddening of Bt Cotton. Foliar spray of FeSO4, ZnSO4, MgSO4 and urea each of 0.5% at 30, 60 and 90 DAS along with recommended dose of nitrogenous fertilizer (280 kg N/ha i.e. basal dose 70 kg N, remaining N in three equal split at 30, 60 and 90 DAS).
Management of Bean Common Mosaic Virus in mungbean & its vector (Aphid) Treat the seeds with thiamethoxam 35 FS @ 10 ml/kg seed followed by two sprays either of thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.01% or two sprays of acephate 75 SP @ 0.075%.
Management of Alternaria blight of cumin Seed treatment of thiram @ 5g/kg seed, coupled with 4 sprays of combi-product of carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% @ 0.2 % starting at 30 days of sowing and at 10 days interval either in row sowing (30 x 10 cm, with 12 kg seed /ha) or broadcasting (20 kg seed/ha).
2015 Management of early blight of potato (For scientific information) Treatment of cut tubers with mancozeb @ 1 kg/ 100 kg potato + 5 kg talc powder as dry seed treatment before 12 hours of planting along with 5 sprays of propiconazole 25 EC, 0.025% a. i. first at the disease initiation at about 35 days and remaining sprays at 12 days intervals found effective for the management of early blight of potato.
2016 Management of wilt and root rot of chickpea through seed biopriming and soil application of bio-agents Application of Trichoderma viride or T. harzianum  (2x108 cfu/g) enriched FYM (10 kg bioagent/ ton FYM) in furrow @ 1 ton/ha, followed by seed biopriming at the  time  of  sowing  i.e.  soaking  of  seeds  for  10  hrs  in  suspension  of  talc  based formulation 1 % WP (2x108 cfu/g) of T. viride or T. harzianum, respectively @ 50  g  product/ 250 ml of water/kg of seed and  shade  dried,  for  the  effective management of wilt - root rot complex of chickpea.  
2016 Evaluation of    bioagents for management of    soil-borne diseases in soybean through seed treatment and soil application 
Application of Trichoderma viride or T. harzianum  (2x108 cfu/g 1% WP) enriched  FYM  (10  kg  bioagent/ton  FYM) in furrow @ 1  ton/ha,  followed  by seed  treatment with T. viride or T. harzianum (2x108 cfu/g) @ 10 g/kg  seeds, respectively at the time of  sowing  for  the  effective  management of  root  rot disease of soybean.
2017 Management of cumin blight through fungicides Apply three sprays of azoxystrobin 23 SC, 0.023% (10 ml/ 10 liter water) first at the initiation of disease and remaining sprays at 10 days interval for effective and economical management of blight.
2017 Field evaluation of fungicides for the management of Pyricularia leaf spot/ blast disease of pearl millet Treat the seeds with thiram 75 WS, 3 g/ kg seed at the time of sowing and apply two sprays of tebuconazole (50%) + trifloxystrobin (25%) 75 WG, 0.075% (ICBR 1: 5.70) OR azoxystrobin (18.2%) + difenoconazole (11.4%) 29.6 SC, 0.03% (ICBR 1: 8.00) starting at the appearance of the disease and second at 15 days after first spray for effective management of Pyricularia leaf spot/ blast disease of pearl millet in kharif season.
2017 Evaluation of seed treatment of bioagents for management of soil borne diseases in mungbean Treat the seed with Trichoderma viride (108 cfu/g) 1 WP, 10 g/kg seeds and Pseudomonas fluorescens (108 cfu/ml) 1 WP, 10 ml/kg seeds (ICBR 1: 116.06) at the time of sowing for effective management of root rot disease of mungbean in kharif season
2017 Identification of sources of resistance in mungbean against bean common mosaic disease Mungbean genotypes viz., GM-02-07 and LGG 460 found resistant, while GM-9917, GM-02-01, GM-02-02, GM-02-05, GM-02-08, GM-02-10, GM-02-13, GM-02-15, GM-02-20, GM-03-04, GM-03-07, GM-03-13 and GM-03-14 found moderately resistant against bean common mosaic disease under field conditions. These genotypes can be used in breeding programme for developing varieties resistant to bean common mosaic.


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