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Convocation :: How to Apply ?



Last Date for Applying online for Convocation is 14/01/2015

Last Date to Send the Print Copy of Online Submitted Application is : 19/01/2015 to Registrar, AAU.


Step 1.

  • Draw a Demand Draft  of Rs. 1000/- (in case of absentia)  &  Rs. 500/- (in case of Presentia) drawn in favour  of "ANAND AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY FUND ACCOUNT", payable at ANAND issued by any Nationalized Bank.
  • Write down your Name, Registration Number and Contact Number on back side of Demand Draft.
  • Fee submitted through any other mode like Cash, Money Order, Pay order, Cheque, IPO etc. will be not be accepted.

Step 2.

Before applying Online, keep on hand the following documents:

  • Scanned passport (pp) size photograph in JPEG format, Demand Draft and its details. ( i.e. DD Number, Date and Name of the issuing Bank), Personal Details, Educational Details, etc.

Step 3.

  • Fill up the Convocation form online through a link "APPLY ONLINE FOR CONVOCATION" available on the AAU website: as per the instruction. Other means/ mode of application will be rejected.
  • When a candidate clicks the link "APPLY ONLINE FOR CONVOCATION" a window shall appear entitled "ANNUAL CONVOCATION PROGRAMME".
  • Fill correct information carefully and follow the on screen instructions for filling up application form.
  • Confirm that your Name, Subject, Registration Number, Faculty, Year of passing, O.G.P.A., Class, Degree and all other details filled are correct.

Step 4.

  • Upload your recent passport size photo, scanned in JPEG format. To upload the photo click "Choose File" button. After filling all the information correctly please click "SAVE" button.

Step 5.

  • After submission of required details, your APPLICATION ID will be generated and displayed on the page. Please note down this APPLICATION ID. This ID can be used   for all future purposes, like to reprint application form, edit the form.
  •  After note down the APPLICATION ID,  click on button "PRINT" to get print copy of the filled form on A-4 size paper only The print out should be taken in POTRAIT orientation to have it in one single page.

Step 6.

  • Submit one printed copy of the online submitted application form with the following documents:
  • (1) Demand Draft (2) Photo. (3) Self attested copy of Last Mark sheet / Transcript /   Notification  to THE REGISTRAR, ANAND AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY BHAVAN, ANAND - 388 110 (GUJARAT) within the prescribed time limit.
  • Keep One copy of the online Convocation Form and a copy of Demand Draft for your record.
  • Application received at Office of the Registrar after the last date of submission will not be accepted.
  • For any Query Please Contact::


Anand Agricultural University, Anand - 388110.


Phone: +91 - 02692-264462 and  +91 - 02692-261310 (During Office Hours)

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