L I B R A R Y - R E S O U R C E S
The library is fully computerized and equipped with facilities such as OPAC (Online Pubic Access Catalogue). The library uses cloud based KOHA, the integrated library automation software which enables working in an integrated multi-user and networked environment. The entire library collection may be accessed from the KOHA OPAC database. The faculty and participants of the University’s various programmes can access the library collection from their desktop through the use of the AAU Intranet and WIFI that connects all library services to their office rooms. The library OPAC is web-enabled and thus accessible to intranet as well as internet users.
AAU Question Papers Repository
The library has developed collection of old papers in digital format(.pdf). AAU Question Papers Repository is a collection of old papers of different courses offered at Anand Agricultural University. Students can get old question papers starting from DEC-2013.Papers can be downloaded in pdf format.
Online Access to QuestionPapers on Krishikosh
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) was established in November 2007 for facilitating accessibility of scientific journals to all researchers / teachers in the National Agricultural Research System by providing access to information specially access to journals online which is crucial for having excellence in research and teaching.CeRA provides access to 3059 consortia journals and 39683 total journals with abstacts and open access journals.
DELNET Digital Library Resources
DELNET has been actively engaged with the compilation of various Union Catalogues of the resources available in member-libraries.It has already created the Union Catalogue of Books,Union List of Current Periodicals, Union Catalogue of Periodicals,CD-ROM Database,Database of Indian Specialists, Database of Periodical Articles, Union List of Video Recordings, Urdu Manuscripts' Database, Database of Theses and Dissertations, sample databases of language publications using GIST technology and several other databases. The data is being updated in these databases and is growing rapidly. All the DELNET databases have been resident on DELSIS, an in-house software developed on BASISPlus, an RDBMS, the product of Information Dimensions Inc. of USA which has been provided to DELNET courtesy National Informatics Centre, New Delhi.
(username:gjaau password:aau7014)
Online Access to DELNET Discovery Portal
Online Access to DELNET Knowledge Gainer Portal
Access to Agriculture and Animal Science related e-journals.
Online access to Indianjournals.com
It provides digital access to library resources of 12 different research institutes and agricultural universities which include OPAC, important institutional repositories, rare books and old journals and makes them publically accessible over internet under NARS with Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) partnership.
Institutional Repositories of ICAR institutes and SAUs
Online Access to Krishikosh
e-Krishi Shiksha
ICAR Portal for e-courses in Agricultural and allied sciences.
Online Access to e-Krishi Shiksha
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
This website is useful to see NAAS Rating of Journals.
Online Access NAAS
J-Gate is a portal cum bibliographic database accomplishing indexing at more than 35,000 + online journals with links to full text for every article and author email address. The portal cum database includes coverage from 2001 onwards, and is updated daily. Some journals dates back to even 1996. It covers 14,850+ open access journals as part of the 35,000+ online journals. J-Gate adds 1.5 million articles added every year.
Online Access to J-Gate
Today, Indiastat.com is a cluster of 57 sites including India-specific, Sector specific, Region specific and State specific sites rendering its dedicated services to the research fraternity from academic, professional and corporate world with authentic and comprehensive compilation of secondary level socio-economic statistical data about India and its states, Region and Sector on more than 35 variables.
Note:No username/password required.Please click IP Login button on Menubar.
Online Access to Indiastat.com
The Commodities database provides real-time spot and futures prices, market intelligence, historical fundamental data and robust forecasts for agricultural crops. This database is ideal for investors, researchers, banking and non-banking financial institutions involved in the commodities markets of India.Commodities delivers data on prices for 200 varieties of 70 commodities from 150 markets. It also contains statistics on area, production and yield uptil the district-level. Reports and data on the progress of agriculture, alongwith quantitative forecasts on production of major crops complete the product's intelligence.Commodities is updated every day by CMIE's dedicated team of analysts.
Note:You have to create user account.Use register link on right side of home page.
Online Access to Commodities
First Source
First Source is a query-able database of all companies registered in India.First Source provides search tools. This can be used to successfully find all companies in a location or all companies by the size of their Paid up Capital, or Nature of business or Incorporation year. This is very powerful feature that helps you in expanding your business or to find new partners.
Tradedx comprises time-series data on India’s foreign trade and World Trade.First Source provides search tools. This can be used to successfully find all companies in a location or all companies by the size of their Paid up Capital, or Nature of business or Incorporation year. This is very powerful feature that helps you in expanding your business or to find new partners.
Online Access to TradeDX
Industry Outlook
Industry Outlook provides a well-balanced presenation of data, analysis and forecasts on 209 industries. The service draws upon data available from government sources, industry and trade associations, commodity markets, firm-level databases and project-level information. It weaves these disparate sources into meaningful and well-organized presentations of the current and prospective trends in Indian industries.
Online Access to Industry Outlook
States of India
States of India is a large statistical compendium of the 36 states and union territories of India. Statistics on states are released by various state & central agencies. CMIE excels in compiling all this information into one cohesive and seamless offering.
Online Access to States of India
Economic Outlook
Economic Outlook is ideally suited for the power user of fast-frequency economic data.The service excels in its comprehensive coverage, rapid delivery of detailed data of the fast frequency releases, access to original sources of the data and an advance calendar of the expected releases of data.
Online Access to Economic Outlook
Elsevier e-books(1194) and e-book series(17)
ScienceDirect® is the world's largest electronic collection of science, technology, and medicine full-text and bibliographic information. It offers a wide variety of features and content.Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA), ICAR - DKMA has added 1174 e-books along with 17 e-book series of Elsevier on Sciencedirect.com.
Online Access to Elsevier e-books and e-book series
CRCnetBASE e-books(555)
CRCnetBASE, the award-winning Science, Technology, and Medicine eBook platform from CRC Press, offers a comprehensive eBook collection that delivers more than 12,000 references in over 350 subject areas and more than 40 collections. Anand Agricultural University has purchased 555 e-books from this collection for various subject areas.
Note:Please mark Full Access Content Only checkbox on and then click browse content tab. This will list e-books fully accessible by Anand Agricultural University.
Pearson e-books(297)
ThinkTank is Pearson's collection of over 3,000 eBooks - the largest and the most comprehensive collection of eBooks in India. Quality content comes from imprints such as Prentice Hall, Peachpit press, Adobe Press, Sams Publishing, FT Press, and Addison-Wesley, among others.Anand Agricultural University has purchased 297 e-books from this collection for various subject areas.
Online Access to Pearson
McGraw Hill e-books(46)
McGraw Hill express library is a collection of eBooks. Anand Agricultural University has purchased 46 e-books from this collection for various subjects related to management and computers.
Online Access to McGraw Hill
Astral e-books for Agricultural Science(91)
Online Access to Astral e-books
NIPA e-books for Agricultural Science(24) Online Access to NIPA e-books
Elsevier(Science Direct) e-books for Veterinary Science(100)
Science direct is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from nearly 2,500 journals and more than 30,000 books.Anand Agricultural University has purchased 100 e-books from this collection for Veterinary Science.
Note : Use proper filters to get Full Text Books Online Access to Science Direct
Arts and Science Academic Publications e-books for Agriculture and Veterinary Science(201)
Online Access to ASAP e-books
Elsevier(Science Direct) Encyclopedia(MRW)
Science direct is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from nearly 2,500 journals and more than 30,000 books.Anand Agricultural University has purchased following encyclopedias from this collection.
1. Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences Access Full Text
2. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences(Second Edition) Access Full Text
3. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology Access Full Text
4. Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition(Second Edition) Access Full Text
5. Encyclopedia of Grain Science Access Full Text
6. Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science Access Full Text
7. Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences Access Full Text
8. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment Access Full Text
9. Encyclopedia of Ecology Access Full Text
10.Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Access Full Text
11.Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences Access Full Text
12.Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences Access Full Text
13.Encyclopedia of Information Systems Access Full Text
14.Encyclopedia of Animal Behaviour Access Full Text
15.Encyclopedia of Energy,Natural Resources and Environmental Economics Access Full Text
16.Encyclopedia of Food Safety Access Full Text
17.Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems Access Full Text
18.Comprehensive Biotechnology Access Full Text
19.Encyclopedia of Innovative Food Processing Technologies Access Full Text
20.Encyclopedia of Mycology Access Full Text
4.2.1 Books, Magazines, E-Resources(2018-19)
4.2.1 Books, Magazines, E-Resources(2019-20)
4.2.1 Books, Magazines, E-Resources(2020-21)
4.2.1 Books, Magazines, E-Resources(2021-22)
4.2.1 Books, Magazines, E-Resources(2022-23)
4.4.2 Library and Cybrary Rules
For Further Details
University Librarian
Dr. M D Patel Regional e-Library(University Library)
Anand Agricultural University
ANAND 388 110
Telefax : (02692)261571
Tel : (02692)225758-760
email : librarian@aau.in
File Name | Description | Size | Download |
Library and Cybrary Rules.pdf | Library and Cybrary Rules.pdf | 357 KB | Download |
4.2.1_Support_01.pdf | 4.2.1_Support_01.pdf | 781 KB | Download |
2018-19.pdf | 2018-19.pdf | 25362 KB | Download |
2019-20.pdf | 2019-20.pdf | 20537 KB | Download |
2020-21.pdf | 2020-21.pdf | 15921 KB | Download |
2021-22.pdf | 2021-22.pdf | 23755 KB | Download |
2022-23.pdf | 2022-23.pdf | 10115 KB | Download |
2018-19.pdf | 2018-19.pdf | 329 KB | Download |
2019-20.pdf | 2019-20.pdf | 322 KB | Download |
2020-21.pdf | 2020-21.pdf | 306 KB | Download |
2021-22.pdf | 2021-22.pdf | 286 KB | Download |
2022-23.pdf | 2022-23.pdf | 252 KB | Download |
Drillbit.pdf | Drillbit.pdf | 296 KB | Download |
Final_Notification_01.pdf | Final_Notification_01.pdf | 311 KB | Download |
2018-19.pdf | 2018-19.pdf | 9013 KB | Download |
2019-20.pdf | 2019-20.pdf | 4245 KB | Download |
2020-21.pdf | 2020-21.pdf | 3984 KB | Download |
2021-22.pdf | 2021-22.pdf | 5161 KB | Download |
2022-23.pdf | 2022-23.pdf | 2576 KB | Download |
ILMS.pdf | ILMS.pdf | 1778 KB | Download |
4.4.2.pdf | 4.4.2.pdf | 5091 KB | Download |